Back on topic, consider this:
By having AS, you don't fit into the popular group, do you? It's true for me as well, and while it creates new problems, consider some of the things it solves:
>You can be yourself, and don't have to conform with others
>When was the last time you had to lie/do something that made you uncomfortable to fit in? Have you seen Mean Girls? That thing is based off of the works of a psychologists. It's accurate (testimony of all NTs that I know).
>As I've never seen the popular side myself, there's more I'm missing things
As for suffering in general... So long as we're talking Christian/Jewish God, I'd like to pull out Ecclesiastes, the wonderful book in the old testament devoted to the meaning of life (the one other than 42):
"Sorrow is better than laughter, because a sad face is good for the heart." -- Ecclesiastes 7:3
When was the last time you learned something at a party or from a joke? As hard as it is to come to grips with this, it is hardship and suffering which make us grow. Many of us have fields that we are good in - maths, computers, etc. - things that NTs struggle with we find simple. If it weren't for the downsides of AS, how easy would it be for us to become arrogant? AS keeps us humble, and it teaches us lessons that we couldn't learn otherwise: The value of friendship - and who true friends are. Understanding for those in similar situations - I've never seen a nasty comment on here about people with disabilities.
We learn from our suffering. It makes us stronger, and it makes us better people.