I am having yet another very bad depression, and I need to keep it secret from people around me for certain reasons which I am not prepaired to discuss, I am asking for some advice on the best ways to hide it, we are talking big time depressed here, lying about all day in floods of tears, just wanting to be on my own in the dark with my ipod stuck in my ears listening to my music, which is my only releif at the moment, I live with someone but I am not intending to let them know about this for certain reasons that are personal to me. I am trying to keep up a happy front, even though I have a constant pain behind my eyes all the time from wanting to cry, I am extremly sad. Does anyone know any good ways to keep this facade going even when the line is so thin I have to keep "going to the toilet" when we are out because I have to cry, even my mum thought I had some kind of "toilet problem" one day I was with her lol, because I had to keep going to hide there so she would not see me cry. It's a hard thing to hide and my defences are failing me fast.
Please don't judge me or tell me to "get help" as I tried this and got sent to a psychologist who knew NOTHING about AS and blamed my boyfriend for my state! There is no support for adults with ASD's here in England, it's like as soon as you turn 18 your AS goes away, your not a learning disability nor a mental health case, so there is no "funding" avalable for specialist support from organisations like the NAS because nobody will refer you and pay for it i,e doctors and social services because you don't fit any criteria. I am also terrified of being diagnosed with something else that I don't have as I know this happens to AS people all the time when they ask for help.
I just want some good ideas on how to keep my mental state hidden, thats all.