I'm 16 male and Aspie. I used to be very intelligent, but now I feel like I've forgotten how to be intelligent.
I was bored and bullied most of early school, and in secondary I was bored and the teachers didn't care about AS or about the mental health of their students.
At home I had a half-mad mother whom I still live with. She was tyrannical and didn't have logical reasons for some of her actions. Now we don't have much of a relationship, I spend most of my time on the computer in my room, she spends most of her time watching TV downstairs. She's depressed also and has no friends, and very rarely goes out socially. She's also starting to increasingly lose her body and mind, which are degenerating daily.
I used to absolutely love Final Fantasy and video games in general and had a fantastic memory for things that interest me.
Now I don't. I feel like I'm severely depressed to the ponit where I can't remember how to have fun. I don't have any real life friends who understand me or care much about me, and I still hate being in crowds or big numbers of people, especially immature and unintelligent ones, which is irritating because I go to a college full of them. I don't enjoy going there and I don't learn much principally because I can learn what they teach in 90 minutes in 10 minutes, and I only need to give a s**t abotu things relevant to the exams.
The only person who I have any significant relationship with is my mother, and the relationship isn't particuarly healthy or helpful, and I don't have any friends or family I can go and live with or learn from.
Anyonegot a similar position or had similar experiences?