-Daniel- wrote:
Am curious, trying to find these things in my own life. What keeps you going day to day? What motivates you? And I'm sorry, but please no "it beats the alternative" answers. Pretty please?? It sounds good, and if it's what works for you right now that's great, but someday you have to come up with something or it's just an empty cliche. Seriously, I'm having trouble finding this in my own life right now and am wondering what kind of answers other people have come up with.
That tomorrow is another day, so that if today doesn't go well, I get another shot at things tomorrow. That the ability to preservere (sp,sorry!) is an innate talent of mine. That I bounce - I learn from my mistakes (which are only truly mistakes if I haven't thought them through and if I do NOT learn from them). That there are things I want to see and do at some point in my life, and that as time goes on I've been able to see and do some of them. That I can set a goal - be it to, say, see Yellowstone National Park in winter as is my next big "I want" - and then figure out how to do that, and to finally get there.
When one is younger there is SO much to choose from that it's easy to end up sort of just stuck in neutral, with no direction and no idea what to do, where to go. Hard as it is, you just have to strike out and pick something to reach for - even if it's just something others might thing silly - and then just go for it. The more you reach and attain, the more comfortable you will be with doing it and you'll find that things will present themselves to you to go for.
Best of luck!