wobbegong wrote:
Enigmatic Oddity
It might be "esteem" but it isn't "self esteem" because they are not getting it from within themselves, they are getting it from outside. Take away the outside "esteem" - and what is left?
Self-esteem doesn't occur inside a social vacuum. You can't just ignore the fact that people live within social networks; they are an integral part of one's self-identity.
The way I see it, all self-esteem is based on one's ability to interact with the environment and get positive results. Other people are part of this external environment, too. If you wanted to take away 'outside esteem', then you'd have to take away the entire outside environment. There would be nothing left, and with nothing left to compare yourself to, you'd have no sense of self, either.
So again, you can't isolate self-esteem from everything outside of yourself, because everything outside of yourself has an impact on self.