Told I reek of BO at work and getting hell for lots of stuff

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21 Jul 2010, 9:05 pm

AardvarkGoodSwimmer wrote:
Bugzee wrote:
My job is just a part time job at a coffee shop making minimum wage.

So, 60 hours a week is when you're asked to work extra shifts?

No that's what I am working right now oas regular shifts, not extra shifts. We are very short handed at work so everyone is working that much.


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23 Jul 2010, 2:38 am

Bugzee wrote:
I work at a place where we sell coffees and donuts, but are stock room is on another floor in the hospital. When I was in the stock room our health and safety rep approached me and said we have to talk and then told me that I smell and we are starting to get complaints. I am working over 60 hours a week and I am expected to do a lot of heavy lifting in the stock room. I am just getting tired and my fatigue is compunded by carrying boxes back and forth. I also can't do stocking quickly no matter how hard I try. My motor skills are just too damn off. I also got yeleld at by customers a lot today which compounded by stress and made me sweaty and very nervous. I am not having a great time at work and I am thinking about just quiting out right. I have another job lined up that I am suppose to start on Aug. 30, but if I quit now that means I have ot go the rest of the summer without work. What should I do?

You're working 60 hours a week, plus extra shifts because your work place is extremely short-handed?

Is your boss even trying to hire new people or just twiddling his/her thumbs all day long.

On your side, you have a new job lined up at the end of August, but the sour side is that you will be extremely fatigued when starting it because of your current boss's lackadaisical effort to hire new people.


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23 Jul 2010, 2:38 am

Bleh... double post.


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23 Jul 2010, 2:59 am

Invincible wrote:
Bugzee wrote:
I work at a place where we sell coffees and donuts, but are stock room is on another floor in the hospital. When I was in the stock room our health and safety rep approached me and said we have to talk and then told me that I smell and we are starting to get complaints. I am working over 60 hours a week and I am expected to do a lot of heavy lifting in the stock room. I am just getting tired and my fatigue is compunded by carrying boxes back and forth. I also can't do stocking quickly no matter how hard I try. My motor skills are just too damn off. I also got yeleld at by customers a lot today which compounded by stress and made me sweaty and very nervous. I am not having a great time at work and I am thinking about just quiting out right. I have another job lined up that I am suppose to start on Aug. 30, but if I quit now that means I have ot go the rest of the summer without work. What should I do?

You're working 60 hours a week, plus extra shifts because your work place is extremely short-handed?

Is your boss even trying to hire new people or just twiddling his/her thumbs all day long.

On your side, you have a new job lined up at the end of August, but the sour side is that you will be extremely fatigued when starting it because of your current boss's lackadaisical effort to hire new people.

She hired two new people that won't be starting until next week, so my work load should become m,ore manageable, but it won't fully solve the short handedness.


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23 Jul 2010, 11:20 am

Bugzee wrote:
She hired two new people that won't be starting until next week, so my work load should become m,ore manageable, but it won't fully solve the short handedness.

Now, first off, I'd suggest that when the job is shorthanded that's a time to easily, matter-of-factly, confidently develop (or add to) a reputation for timeliness.

Walking, a person can time getting there five minutes early. Driving, all the vagaries of traffic. So, I sometimes use a trick in that I'll stop down the road at a grocery store. Sometimes stepping out of the car and stretching, sometimes if I have a lot of time going into the store, but mainly just sitting in the car, the driver's side windows slightly cracked, the passenger's windows more cracked, and reading. Sometimes I even keep a book in the car for this very purpose (a book that's okay but not great). I like the fact that there are other people around, but not that many people, and that I feel both safe and private.

I do that because timeliness is rewarded out of all proportion to it's worth, in my opinion. If I'm there five minutes early, day in and day out, steadily, people are likely to feel positive towards me as an employee and co-worker and give me the benefit of doubt in other ways (not always, we human beings are just too complicated for something to always work, myself fully included!)


Is your manager generally reasonable or generally not reasonable?


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23 Jul 2010, 11:23 am

AardvarkGoodSwimmer wrote:
Bugzee wrote:
She hired two new people that won't be starting until next week, so my work load should become m,ore manageable, but it won't fully solve the short handedness.

Now, first off, I'd suggest that when the job is shorthanded that's a time to easily, matter-of-factly, confidently develop (or add to) a reputation for timeliness.

Walking, a person can time getting there five minutes early. Driving, all the vagaries of traffic. So, I sometimes use a trick in that I'll stop down the road at a grocery store. Sometimes stepping out of the car and stretching, sometimes if I have a lot of time going into the store, but mainly just sitting in the car, the driver's side windows slightly cracked, the passenger's windows more cracked, and reading. Sometimes I even keep a book in the car for this very purpose (a book that's okay but not great). I like the fact that there are other people around, but not that many people, and that I feel both safe and private.

I do that because timeliness is rewarded out of all proportion to it's worth, in my opinion. If I'm there five minutes early, day in and day out, steadily, people are likely to feel positive towards me as an employee and co-worker and give me the benefit of doubt in other ways (not always, we human beings are just too complicated for something to always work, myself fully included!)


Is your manager generally reasonable or generally not reasonable?

She's very irresponsible, and is hated by everyone buyt everyone is afraid to speak up because she's a coniving little b***h.

I am always early for work, in the two years I've worked there I think I've been late once.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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23 Jul 2010, 11:51 am

If she is as irresponsible and as disliked as you say, then just bide your time until you are out of there. Sounds like it is not so much you that is at fault as this manager.

Do you have any way of leaving a week or two earlier than planned, then at least you can start your new job in a better frame of mind?

Whatever the case, continued best wishes coming your way for this.


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23 Jul 2010, 6:19 pm

Dithra wrote:
If she is as irresponsible and as disliked as you say, then just bide your time until you are out of there. Sounds like it is not so much you that is at fault as this manager.

Do you have any way of leaving a week or two earlier than planned, then at least you can start your new job in a better frame of mind?

Whatever the case, continued best wishes coming your way for this.

So our short handedness problem just got worse; yesterday someone walked off the job and quit just like that, so now we have only 8 employees left to cover a 15-hour work day, plus holidays and time off. I want to give my two weeks notice, but my new job starts August 30th so I will have to do it soon.


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27 Jul 2010, 8:57 am

shower prior to going to work, carry an extra can of deodorant spray

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27 Jul 2010, 2:34 pm

Bugzee wrote:
Dithra wrote:
If she is as irresponsible and as disliked as you say, then just bide your time until you are out of there. Sounds like it is not so much you that is at fault as this manager.

Do you have any way of leaving a week or two earlier than planned, then at least you can start your new job in a better frame of mind?

Whatever the case, continued best wishes coming your way for this.

So our short handedness problem just got worse; yesterday someone walked off the job and quit just like that, so now we have only 8 employees left to cover a 15-hour work day, plus holidays and time off. I want to give my two weeks notice, but my new job starts August 30th so I will have to do it soon.

One of the temp jobs I worked at there was this 400 lbs guy who kept calling me ret*d fa***t so on my last day I took three cans of expanding foam and I filled his tool chest full of expanding foam. I also cut the cord to his big fan making it look like his chair cut it in half. :twisted: Tee Hee

There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die -Hunter S. Thompson

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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27 Jul 2010, 4:26 pm

If I were in your position, and assuming I could afford to take some unpaid leave, I would quit very soon indeed. Sounds like a terrible workplace, even more so since someone has just walked out. I don't think you owe them anything, but you owe it to yourself to treat yourself well - esp as those at work don't seem to.

If you can - leave soon and don't look back!


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27 Jul 2010, 7:11 pm

I think more people need to be made aware of their personal hygene in the work place. Its not hard to put a strong roll on on in the morning (and in the middle of the day if you sweat a lot), and wear a clean uniform.

I can understand why you were told about that, and it shouldn't be hard to fix.

Low paid jobs are always awful, no matter what they are. I've worked in 2 places exactly like that, we all have to put up with awful jobs like this. Have you thought about going to university at all to train for something less like this?


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27 Jul 2010, 9:53 pm

hale_bopp wrote:
I think more people need to be made aware of their personal hygene in the work place. Its not hard to put a strong roll on on in the morning (and in the middle of the day if you sweat a lot), and wear a clean uniform.

I can understand why you were told about that, and it shouldn't be hard to fix.

Low paid jobs are always awful, no matter what they are. I've worked in 2 places exactly like that, we all have to put up with awful jobs like this. Have you thought about going to university at all to train for something less like this?

I am going into thrid year university now. I am just working to pay for my schooling so someday I can do something better.


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27 Jul 2010, 10:46 pm

He expects you not to sweat when doing heavy lifting? He must expect you not to take bathroom breaks either. I'd seriously just walk out during a time they really can't afford it. Tell him to be careful about eating anything there because your sweat got on a lot of stuff.


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27 Jul 2010, 11:11 pm

takemitsu wrote:
He expects you not to sweat when doing heavy lifting? He must expect you not to take bathroom breaks either. I'd seriously just walk out during a time they really can't afford it. Tell him to be careful about eating anything there because your sweat got on a lot of stuff.

Well they need me most now because of the shortage in staff, so I may give my notice soon; I don't know yet though.


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28 Jul 2010, 12:40 am

Bugzee wrote:
our health and safety rep approached me and said we have to talk and then told me that I smell and we are starting to get complaints.

The issue isn't sweating, which is understandable under the circumstances. The issue is odor. Two different things. Body odor is affected by many factors; your diet (ie. Garlic, fatty, spicy and strong flavoured foods all get expired through sweat); your overall health; if you smoke; if you drink a lot of alcohol; your general hygiene (ie. how often and how well you bathe; sitting around in dirty clothes; not changing your sheets); body hair not washed often enough in hot weather holds a lot of odor....etc.

If you were approached by the health and safety rep about it and told there have been complaints, I would say it's gotten to the point that you are making others uncomfortable and it is something you don't want to ignore.
