hale_bopp wrote:
Thanks, I don't expect sympathy though. I feel like an unwanted ugly useless talentless sack of sh*t and should be treated as so. I wish someone would stab me to death.
Uuuhhhhh shiiitttt I honestly don't know exactly what to say.
I don't think you should do too much soul searching. It's like scratching an itch when scratching it makes it worse. The whole appeal of soul searching is that it'll supposed to enlighten you or fulfill you, but it can easily become an unhealthy obsession and actually leave you feeling empty since there's nothing on your mind but your issues. So yeah, don't leave yourself preoccupied with them.
I would spend the longest time just obsessing over my issues and feeling trapped in them. Then outta nowhere, I'm cruising around to music, not really thinking hard about anything and I'm feeling great.
What are your hobbies, interests, and passions? What are your deeper motivations (like being the best you can be and maximizing pleasure, surviving and minimizing pain, etc.).
I do hope you feel better about your situation. You seem like the type of person who hates placing blame, but you don't need to hold the weight of the world on your shoulders. You don't owe anyone anything but the most basic human respect. I think you need to redefine what measures your worth. I have a "Don't give a f**k" attitude so even if everyone else thought I was worthless, untalented, ugly, etc. I would say to hell with all of em. Even if what they say is true, it doesn't mean I deserve to feel like s**t when me feeling like s**t benefits no one but others.
btw I don't think you're ugly, I think you're hot and I'd actually like to meet you