Dear "You"...From "Me"-Letters Unsent

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19 Jun 2011, 4:42 pm

Dear CockneyRebel,

I can't believe it. You of all people making a plan to drink Monster Hitman shots, as a way to appear tough to your supervisor. I thought that you prided yourself on being like soft-hearted Mick Avory of The Kinks. If you clash with your supervisor that much, I suggest that you find another job and give your four weeks notice. Don't be a speed demon. Stay soft like Mick.


The Family Enigma


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20 Jun 2011, 11:10 pm

Booyakasha wrote:
:D Thanks! I needed that!

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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22 Jun 2011, 8:24 pm

Dear World,

Why can't you play nice?

~Muffin Monster~


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24 Jun 2011, 3:35 am

Dear You,

I miss you, and I hope that you're okay. Thank you for letting me get to know you, and for being such a good friend to me. I'm sorry that I didn't let you get to know me....I didn't know how to do that--thought I already had and was shocked to find out I hadn't. I'm sorry that I just slipped away, not explaining, never telling you how much I valued your friendship and wanted to be there for you if you needed me to much I wanted to understand you, and how hard it is for me to understand anybody---I thought you deserved an explanation of that last part, but I never managed to give you one. It was a gift to know you. Thank you for being who you are, for having been part of my life. I wish you nothing but love, happiness, and comfort (not the boring kind of comfort that excludes challenge, but the kind of comfort that warms your soul and keeps challenge from becoming "struggle"....the kind that brings safety and peace).

From Me.


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24 Jun 2011, 6:25 pm

Dear Random Portlanders,

Why so shallow? It seems as though Portlanders
are becoming dumber & more shallow on a daily basis.

Look, I do understand everyone is busy with little or
no time to go out in the community, but being busy
may lead to anti-social, shallow behavior.

A Fellow Portlander

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!

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Tufted Titmouse

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25 Jun 2011, 4:26 am

Dear Tash <3

I love you to absolutly pieces your my princess, I can't believe next month will be 7 months!! I'm so happy with you, I just hope you know that, I think you do, I tell you each and everyday that I love you and you tell me too which makes me happy!

I know your always trying to get me to eat, it makes me feel happy that you care, and, i will try to eat, it's just difficult because im not so great with food, but, i will try, I promise I will eat something small each day, I promise I will.

I know you have your own problems (yes, I hate that word, but, I can't think of another to use) I will do my best to help you as much as I can, I find it easier to help you than to help myself right now, because, I love you.

Thank you very very very very very very very much for helping me so much I know how hard it is for you right now I appriciate everything you do for me and I'm happy to know you and call you my GIRLFRIEND!! screw people who thnk that it's wrong that I go out with a girl, it's my choice not there's I love YOU! So they can do one!

Lots and lots of love from Hanner - Mariie xx

Dear Mum,

Have fun on holiday, thank you for going away for a week when I'm anxious it makes me cross, but, hopefully you will come home calmer than you are right now, you deserve it anyway because, you've had an oporation like 2 weeks ago and you really need a break cause all you were doing for the time off the doctor gave you was WORK jeez mother, take a break while you have it!!

I understand that I am autistic and that you don't like leaving me by myself with my brother because we both have autism but you said,you said that next time you go away you would leave us in the house by our self, you are going away tomorrow and you still think we need someone there to look after us WE ARE 17! we can look after ourselves.

I also understand that you get anxious about me going to college next year and then going to UNI bbecause you want me to be a baby still and still be able to look after me and control EVERY LITTLE THING I DO, but, I'm sorry, that's not happening anymore, you can't control everything I do, I am going to talk to friends, I am going to go on my laptop past half 7 at night and I am going to go out past cerfew, nothing you can do bout that, I'm a teenager, nearly an ADULT. Get used to it.

I understand that you don't like who I talk to or who I go out with but, tough luck it's my choice who I am friends with, your not allowed to have that control over me no more, I am not a little kid anymore and in all fairness I am going to be an adult soon and I am going to do something about it.

Oh yeah, and while I remember, I was in tears on Thursday at youth club because of being bullied at college and because of what your doing to me at home, it drives me insane. I broke down, I cried aand then I spoke to Thelma about you not letting me be independant something I really need right now & Thelma has my contact details now, she is going to take me for a coffee at some point and help me through cause I don't have Alys anymore and don't talk to anyone else other than my friends often, all I want is independance.

I might ask that if she (thelma) can sort me out something with Number 92 and get me a home or a flat or something so that I can have independance and balance out my own life by myself without you haaving to budge in every two seconds on what I'm doing cause it's really quite annoying cause you don't do it with my brother JUST ME!! !!

Thanks for just shouting at me because you keep fforgetting what you said you said that I didn't have to have someone here with us all the time when you go away. STOP SAYING IM THE ONE WHOSE LIEING!

Wow, it felt good writing all that down to you, love Hanner xx

Dear, Dad,

Stop getting so drunk, maybe then, you wouldn't be ill all the time and you wouldn't need all these tablets . your lovely when your not drunk why can't you be like that all the time? it'd be lovely, thanks.

Can you please have words with mum about the whole getting cross with me so fast? thanks that would be really helpful, also. stop shouting at my brother, he really doesn't need it, I know he doesn't do much work (if any) at colleg,e but, if you talked to him about it, you might find out why.

My brother, isn't good at having emotions or knowing how to express them, so, it will come out as angeer when all he wants is to be loved and to be held, I love my brother and just need you to look after him and make sure he's okay not just anger all the time.

We have had stuff happen to us in the past, if you shout or annoy us or do anything that used to happen to us when we were little it coulld make us shut down and stop talking full stop it isn't good if that happens.

Also, Dad, your one of the reasons I started self harming when I was sevean for Lords sake, I was only little and I was already wanting to die, I'm sorry, it is not my fault, I can't help it, I am in such a bad way rihght now all I want is to sit in my room and cry.

Leave me alone, please, feel free to never come in my room ever again.

Love Hanner xx

Dear, people on Wrong Planet,

Thank you for being so nice and caring towards me so far. May God bless you all.

Love Hanner xxx

I am who I am if you don't like it, bogg off <3
Very friendly, very helpful
Just here to help and to talk
whatever floats your boat is fine with me

03/12/2010 <3 xx


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25 Jun 2011, 9:19 am

Dear all people with AS

It's about time we proved the stereotypes wrong.

From an Aspie who is fed up of all those false perceptions.

I'm always here, all you have to do is ask and you shall receive


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25 Jun 2011, 9:32 am

Fern wrote:
Booyakasha wrote:
:D Thanks! I needed that!

LOL happy to be of service :)


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27 Jun 2011, 1:14 pm



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27 Jun 2011, 3:44 pm

Dear Universe,

When will I have given things a fair chance and be allowed to give up. I don't think anyone's gonna grant me that so I'll just decide for myself I guess. I can only take so much and I can't take ANY MORE.



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27 Jun 2011, 3:51 pm



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27 Jun 2011, 3:55 pm



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27 Jun 2011, 4:25 pm


I've left WP indefinitely.


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04 Jul 2011, 6:08 pm

Dear "Friends"

I just don't want to keep trying anymore. I have given it everything I've got in me to be good enough. But no one wants me in their life as more than an acquaintance. I am lonely right now because I have no one to hang out with. It has steamrolled into despair because there is no one I can call who knows me that cares enough to listen and help me feel better.
Before you start saying that you would have been there, think about it. You didn't even make the time to call me up or spend time with me. I reached out to you to be friends. That is easy compared to the drama of me giving up, sobbing, and feeling sorry for myself. If you couldn't do that why would you care now?
And those of you who did call and invite and talk with me, you stopped. I know everyone has things going on in their lives. But I am not even crossing any of your minds. Ok so my kids and my parents love me and want to hang out with me but they are family. I need more than family.
I have feelings too. I need companionship just like everyone else. I need to be loved and accepted just like everyone else. But I'm not. And no matter how hard I try to go out and meet people who have things in common with me, it only goes so far.
What does it take to be good enough? I am good and caring and funny and smart and loyal. Why can't you guys see it?


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04 Jul 2011, 6:44 pm

Dear World,

I guess I'm done with you. All that you could throw at me hasn't killed me, but it has certainly hurt me - immensely. I tried and I tried, but to cope with the pain flung in my direction, I couldn't. In the end though, what will become of me? I guess I'm just waiting to find out...



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05 Jul 2011, 12:45 pm

Dear mother nature and life

I'm so tired of your crap!