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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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10 Aug 2011, 12:46 am

It's not just a local thing. It's everywhere. Society rewards ignorance and the most depraved members of society are praised.

I mean, try going on some teen website sometime. Most of them aspire to be thugs, gangsters, and criminals (although it's impossible to tell what they are saying since they cannot even form a single coherent word, let alone a coherent sentence). Not only that, but they are measured by how degenerate they are. The sicker they are, the more admired they are. Case in point: ... ml ... ml

And why do you think all memorial pages are trolled constantly? I remember when a memorial page was put up for a girl who committed suicide and, as usual, kids mocked her death on her Facebook dedication page and post pictures of grotesque gore and racism. One of them posted a picture of a dead baby being cooked and put into stew, for example. Another posted the infamous picture of a starving African child with a vulture waiting for the child to die -- but, of course, they made a ridiculing demotivational poster out of it. Someone also made a page dedicated to the rope that hanged the girl, calling it "THE BEST ROPE EVAR!"

And this is just one of countless examples. It is literally impossible for someone to die nowadays without their death being relentlessly, viciously mocked. Life means nothing to these little coprophagic savages.

Sorry I'm late. I was lost on the road of life. <--- Join the Wrong Planet Facebook group... or else.


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10 Aug 2011, 1:00 am

I just don't get it there are a lot of pretty horrible people in every generation, and many people give into the mob mentality. I understand what you are angry about but 99% of this generation is not a bunch of illiterate thugs...I do not think this generation is any 'worse' than the past ones.


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10 Aug 2011, 1:02 am

Also what is so evil about alchohol and drug use....everyone who drinks is not an alcoholic and everyone who uses drugs is not an addict. I mean sure if people abuse things like that or commonly get messed up so they can go out and cause problems its bad but other then that it is a personal choice and not nessisarly an evil one.


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10 Aug 2011, 2:32 am

Children are annoying.
Teenagers are stupid and arrogant.
Adults are too narrow minded and also arrogant.
Old farts can't even remember the names of their offspring.

I know there are some things I like about humans, but I sure can't think of any right now.

Remember, all atrocities begin in a sensible place.

Snowy Owl
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10 Aug 2011, 2:37 am

Sweetleaf wrote:
Also what is so evil about alchohol and drug use....everyone who drinks is not an alcoholic and everyone who uses drugs is not an addict. I mean sure if people abuse things like that or commonly get messed up so they can go out and cause problems its bad but other then that it is a personal choice and not nessisarly an evil one.

I never said drugs/alcohol were inherently evil, but their rampant abuse reflects on the primal and savage nature of youth seeking out reckless pleasures without the slightest modicum of intelligence or sense of responsibility.

Hell, I remember one kid telling me to "go die in 9/11". Apparently, the vulgar weasels are so stupid that they can't even understand the basic concept of space and time.

Sorry I'm late. I was lost on the road of life. <--- Join the Wrong Planet Facebook group... or else.


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10 Aug 2011, 10:31 am

MoonMetropolis wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
Also what is so evil about alchohol and drug use....everyone who drinks is not an alcoholic and everyone who uses drugs is not an addict. I mean sure if people abuse things like that or commonly get messed up so they can go out and cause problems its bad but other then that it is a personal choice and not nessisarly an evil one.

I never said drugs/alcohol were inherently evil, but their rampant abuse reflects on the primal and savage nature of youth seeking out reckless pleasures without the slightest modicum of intelligence or sense of responsibility.

Hell, I remember one kid telling me to "go die in 9/11". Apparently, the vulgar weasels are so stupid that they can't even understand the basic concept of space and time.

Well yes drug abuse is not a good thing but 99% of this generation is not abusing drugs or telling you to go die in 9/11. Those people have problems or are just real a**holes. I guess since I am a member of this generation I feel a little defensive because I think I have met more than 1% of people who do not act that way.


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10 Aug 2011, 1:27 pm

I think since the 80's ignorance and stupidity have been promoted by the media. I reckon it is a general effort to dumb down the masses. Our governments have cut spending on education so much that kids do not learn anything in school other than how they treat eachother in the playground. Then they leave school to become working adults and if they are lucky to find a job they think thats all there is and so make more babies and bring them up into an even worse world. Things just get worse for each generation.

At the same time, technology/science has advanced to such a degree that it is beyond the understanding of most people and together with the lack of education makes people feel stupid. So they act stupid, they copy the crap on TV and don't even realize it.

Our politicians condescend to us to try to make us feel stupid, and the majority fall for it. I am thankful that some people see through all of this but it doesn't make things better.

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10 Aug 2011, 8:20 pm

MoonMetropolis wrote:
It would be impossible for me to adequately summarize the sheer, overpowering amount of hatred and contempt I have for my generation (teenagers and "young adults"). While it's true that I do hate humans in general, I have a special hatred for 99.9% of teenagers and such. They are lower than the parasitic bacteria that grows on feces-eating maggots. To call them cockroaches would be an insult to cockroaches. They need to be wiped out of the gene pool. We are raising a generation of absolute savages with the mental capacity of gnats. I mean, they are not even capable of forming coherent sentences. Literally all you have to do is say "hi" to them and they will launch into a stream of incoherent vulgarities and try to stab you. This is the age of worthlessness. People's lives mean nothing, their dignity means nothing, their privacy means nothing, and their humanity means nothing. They think it's cool to hurt, kill, and steal. They think rape and murder are just hilarious. People make videos of themselves raping little girls, post the videos on the Internet, and actually earn respect for bragging about raping someone. Only in this generation could videos of vicious, heinous crimes become comedic fodder for a degenerate public.

This is the Internet generation, after all. People view graphic videos of rapes and murders every day, giggle at them, and then pass them along to their friends. Any sense of dignity or humanity we once had has long since been completely eradicated. As the Internet has shown us, we are nothing but savage and depraved animals. People reveal things about themselves on the Internet that they wouldn't even dream of revealing to anyone in real life - not even to a therapist. When people are anonymous and they don't have to accept responsibility for their actions, they will simply do as they please. This is why the Internet is such a portal into the darkest depths of human degeneracy. It completely depersonalizes us and allows us to view other people as nothing more than objects. Ultimately, it will be the downfall of our civilization. The thought of these sex-obsessed, hedonistic, chauvinistic, solipsistic, materialistic, superficial, brutish, uneducated troglodytes one day attempting to run the world is beyond terrifying. It makes me scared for the future of mankind. I mean, how do these idiots even dress themselves? All they know is violence, debasing sex, drugs, petty crime, fast food, mindless debauchery, and MTV. That is our culture.

And no, I am not going to "shoot up schools" or kill anyone, so don't even start with that crap. Seriously.

Amazingly written, couldn't have said it better myself.

English is not my first nor my second language, so do not expect me to be particularly eloquent.

Sorry if I edit my posts a lot.

Sea Gull
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10 Aug 2011, 9:30 pm

Every generation has It's downside my friend...

Tufted Titmouse
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10 Aug 2011, 10:46 pm

I completely agree with everything the OP said. You took the words right out of my mouth. I've even said as much to them in person on occasion.

The horrible children of the 80's have grown up and spawned the Satans of the 10's. I had to go to school with them for the past 7 years and actually be TREATED like one of them! It was so depressing and I had absolutely no motivation to do anything. None of them can talk. They just use primitive screams and orgasms to communicate. They hate everyone, even themselves, and call everyone gay yet go and have drunken orgies with everyone and put the photos online like badges of honor. The more unintelligent and evil, the higher up on the social ladder you are. They crave the destruction of innocent, intelligent, caring people who would actually benefit the world. They thrive off of destroying them. It makes me wonder, "Why even bother to be successful if these...things, aren't going to appreciate my contributions to society?" They even get their 80's parents in it and the staff of schools. If they randomly decide they hate you, they'll make their children drive by your house and vandalize it, or your teachers will call you sluts if you're the furthest thing from it.

They seriously, honestly need to all burn in a drunken car crash and laugh at each other like they do when people they don't know on the other side of the world die. Then we can start over and create a new race of people who actually want to be humans. I know that sounds like Hitler but that's seriously how I feel. I've been telling myself for a number of years that this is why there's going to be some huge resolution in 2012.


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10 Aug 2011, 11:35 pm

I've come to a conclusion. ITT: Depressed outsiders looking in, trying to justify to themselves that it's better not to fit in.

I would know, because I was once like that myself.

Back when I was seventeen, I was living with undiagnosed depression, on top of undiagnosed Asperger syndrome. Back then, I hated everything about mainstream society and popular culture. I was disgusted with the sex, the drugs, the drinking, the sh***y music, all or it. Disgusted with everything social that came with being in high school. I wasn't interested in the stupid, risky behavior it seemed like everyone else around me thought was the coolest thing in the world to be taking part in.

An old journal entry of mine that pretty much sums it up:

07 January 2007 @ 07:28 pm

"It's all dragging me down. Everything. The fighting over the move; who goes and who stays, school, grades, the rain, the people, indecision, apathy, empathy... everything. It's all around me and I can't seem to get away from it. It's just there... All the time, like a weight in my mind, and I can't get rid of it. I don't know what to feel... or what to care about, if anything. Everything's just so f****d up right now, I'm becoming part of it. Like my emotions are working against my mind. I try not to care, not to give a s**t about what's going on, but I can't. It's all around me all at once, and just hate it. I hate it.

They say all good things come to those who wait, but how long will I have to wait to get where I want to be, mentally, socially, and geographically? I feel like I'm no longer a child... but not quite an adult either.... I just want to scream, but I can't. I don't even know what to scream about. I don't care enough to be upset about all this, yet I care all too much. Everything's just so f****d up.

And Jake... What the f**k does he do all day? All I see is him going to school, coming home, getting on the computer for the rest of the day, or going over to Kelly's, or both. I never see him do anything else, and it pisses me off. How can a guy with such a simple, day-in and day-out routine have so much going for him? He's got a group of friends to hang out with (who after meeting most of them for the first time on Friday, I thoroughly f****d up their image of me...), an obsessive girlfriend, who he's just as obsessive about, good grades, and all that other s**t that comes with high school popularity. All the s**t I don't seem to have.

And then there's the drug problem at school. It seems like more than half of the students at the high school are drinkers, druggies, or smokers. It makes me sick, always hearing stories about how someone got totally smashed and had a great time doing it. Or how much someone wants a cigarette right then. I mean, just shut the f**k up. All of you.

I guess I'm developing a rather cynical outlook on this place. Tuesday morning, I walked into health thinking about the overall financial status of the people on the island. I'm an average, middle-class teenager surrounded by wealthy, upper-class rich kids who are a bunch of jerks. It seems like every day, someone shows up with a new cell phone, or iPod, or camera, or an expensive new pair of headphones. It's just sickening to me, how much money these people have, and that they go and spend it on new crap they don't even need. These people have million dollar houses, multiple iPods, the latest cell phones... everything. I even know someone who got a new Jag for their 16th birthday... How over-the-top is that? Who the f**k even buys a 16 year old a Jag anyway? That's a forty-five thousand dollar car in the hands of a teenager who probably just got their license... What do you think's going to happen to that car?

Everything just sucks right now, and I don't want to deal with it, but I am. If only to get the f**k out of here and go back to where my real friends are..."

But to overcome it, (and you can) you get help, you learn to let it all go, learn to get over it, and most of all, get over yourself. You grow the f**k up. And eventually the world doesn't look like the black-and-white s**thole it did before. Depression does that s**t to you, and you don't even know it until afterwards.

It takes a village to raise an idiot, but it only takes one idiot to raze a village.

Snowy Owl
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10 Aug 2011, 11:51 pm

Andoryuu wrote:
I completely agree with everything the OP said. You took the words right out of my mouth. I've even said as much to them in person on occasion.

The horrible children of the 80's have grown up and spawned the Satans of the 10's. I had to go to school with them for the past 7 years and actually be TREATED like one of them! It was so depressing and I had absolutely no motivation to do anything. None of them can talk. They just use primitive screams and orgasms to communicate. They hate everyone, even themselves, and call everyone gay yet go and have drunken orgies with everyone and put the photos online like badges of honor. The more unintelligent and evil, the higher up on the social ladder you are. They crave the destruction of innocent, intelligent, caring people who would actually benefit the world. They thrive off of destroying them. It makes me wonder, "Why even bother to be successful if these...things, aren't going to appreciate my contributions to society?" They even get their 80's parents in it and the staff of schools. If they randomly decide they hate you, they'll make their children drive by your house and vandalize it, or your teachers will call you sluts if you're the furthest thing from it.

They seriously, honestly need to all burn in a drunken car crash and laugh at each other like they do when people they don't know on the other side of the world die. Then we can start over and create a new race of people who actually want to be humans. I know that sounds like Hitler but that's seriously how I feel. I've been telling myself for a number of years that this is why there's going to be some huge resolution in 2012.

I couldn't agree more. I am constantly wishing that some kind of devastating force would wipe all of them off the face of the earth.

And, for the record, I am doing virtual school right now. I stay in the house all day and do all of my work on the computer - it's much better than wasting my time at some worthless public school.

Sorry I'm late. I was lost on the road of life. <--- Join the Wrong Planet Facebook group... or else.


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11 Aug 2011, 12:11 am

MoonMetropolis wrote:
It would be impossible for me to adequately summarize the sheer, overpowering amount of hatred and contempt I have for my generation (teenagers and "young adults"). While it's true that I do hate humans in general, I have a special hatred for 99.9% of teenagers and such. They are lower than the parasitic bacteria that grows on feces-eating maggots. To call them cockroaches would be an insult to cockroaches. They need to be wiped out of the gene pool. We are raising a generation of absolute savages with the mental capacity of gnats. I mean, they are not even capable of forming coherent sentences. Literally all you have to do is say "hi" to them and they will launch into a stream of incoherent vulgarities and try to stab you. This is the age of worthlessness. People's lives mean nothing, their dignity means nothing, their privacy means nothing, and their humanity means nothing. They think it's cool to hurt, kill, and steal. They think rape and murder are just hilarious. People make videos of themselves raping little girls, post the videos on the Internet, and actually earn respect for bragging about raping someone. Only in this generation could videos of vicious, heinous crimes become comedic fodder for a degenerate public.

This is the Internet generation, after all. People view graphic videos of rapes and murders every day, giggle at them, and then pass them along to their friends. Any sense of dignity or humanity we once had has long since been completely eradicated. As the Internet has shown us, we are nothing but savage and depraved animals. People reveal things about themselves on the Internet that they wouldn't even dream of revealing to anyone in real life - not even to a therapist. When people are anonymous and they don't have to accept responsibility for their actions, they will simply do as they please. This is why the Internet is such a portal into the darkest depths of human degeneracy. It completely depersonalizes us and allows us to view other people as nothing more than objects. Ultimately, it will be the downfall of our civilization. The thought of these sex-obsessed, hedonistic, chauvinistic, solipsistic, materialistic, superficial, brutish, uneducated troglodytes one day attempting to run the world is beyond terrifying. It makes me scared for the future of mankind. I mean, how do these idiots even dress themselves? All they know is violence, debasing sex, drugs, petty crime, fast food, mindless debauchery, and MTV. That is our culture.

And no, I am not going to "shoot up schools" or kill anyone, so don't even start with that crap. Seriously.

What about your fellow Auties ans Aspies? I like games, magna etc, but I try to be accept everyone(excpet the really revolting people like you said).



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11 Aug 2011, 12:25 am

Zokk wrote:
I've come to a conclusion. ITT: Depressed outsiders looking in, trying to justify to themselves that it's better not to fit in.

Back when I was seventeen, I was living with undiagnosed depression, on top of undiagnosed Asperger syndrome. Back then, I hated everything about mainstream society and popular culture. I was disgusted with the sex, the drugs, the drinking, the sh***y music, all or it. Disgusted with everything social that came with being in high school. I wasn't interested in the stupid, risky behavior it seemed like everyone else around me thought was the coolest thing in the world to be taking part in.

But to overcome it, (and you can) you get help, you learn to let it all go, learn to get over it, and most of all, get over yourself. You grow the f**k up. And eventually the world doesn't look like the black-and-white s**thole it did before. Depression does that sh** to you, and you don't even know it until afterwards.

What if you're not depressed and just an outsider? Unless you like not having a mind of your own and being a sex crazy drunken idiot then it's a great thing not fitting in.

Why would I want to overcome it? and be like them? no thanks. I didn't know that growing up meant that you could no longer having a sh***y opinion about mainstream culture. :?


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11 Aug 2011, 12:58 am

Freak-Z wrote:
What if you're not depressed and just an outsider?

A depressed mind doesn't know it's depressed. It considers its depressed thoughts and emotions to be normal. No one with a balanced mind even approaches that level of disgust at popular culture and a feeling of superiority for being an outsider. Again, I would know: I've been there, and back.

Freak-Z wrote:
Why would I want to overcome it?

I was talking about depression, not necessarily integrating with the mainstream. And when I say 'grow up' I mean that hating on something won't change it, and you're just going have to learn to live with it, because it's not going to go away, it's not going to change, and your time would be better spent ignoring it and getting on with your life than constantly bitching and moaning about something other people are doing that you have zero control over.

It takes a village to raise an idiot, but it only takes one idiot to raze a village.


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11 Aug 2011, 1:08 am

Zokk wrote:
Freak-Z wrote:
What if you're not depressed and just an outsider?

A depressed mind doesn't know it's depressed. It considers its depressed thoughts and emotions to be normal. No one with a balanced mind even approaches that level of disgust at popular culture and a feeling of superiority for being an outsider. Again, I would know: I've been there, and back.

Freak-Z wrote:
Why would I want to overcome it?

I was talking about depression, not necessarily integrating with the mainstream. And when I say 'grow up' I mean that hating on something won't change it, and you're just going have to learn to live with it, because it's not going to go away, it's not going to change, and your time would be better spent ignoring it and getting on with your life than constantly bitching and moaning about something other people are doing that you have zero control over.

I am depressed and I know I am depressed......of course I thought it was normal before I found out it was depression, I mean it is what I was used to feeling so to me it was and still is normal to me.

And I do not think ignoring everything you don't like is the best way to deal with problems, as sometimes things can be done about such things.