hale_bopp wrote:
I'll join the self hatred club again.
How do you actually start not hating yourself? I mean how? You can't just pull confidence out of your arse.
I can't relate to people I always say and do the wrong thing, I hate what I look like sh** personality no talents What is the point of existing?
I have no real friends, I can't keep friends.
I mean.. why bother?
If it wasn't for my site I would delete facebook and not interact with anyone online or offline.. to fade into non existance. I'd rather not be noticed than noticed and not liked.
While I can only give an AS female heterosexual perspective, you're not ugly. In fact you've improved your looks drastically since you've began making videos and you weren't bad looking to begin with. You just needed a look that better suited you and you found it.
Personally I liked your hair better when it was lighter though, with the darker roots. Though you don't look bad as a brunette. Just avoid the shade of blonde you had when you initially started making videos because it makes you look washed out.
You're certainly not fat either. You might be a little on the heavy side but it's really not apparent from the videos and most men actually don't care about a few extra pounds. It's just a vocal minority that makes women think they do.
I think you also succeed in reaching a lot of people with your videos and you articulate well the things women with AS go through. If you hadn't made your videos, whatever would they think of us? A non-existent myth perhaps. You have served as the voice for many girls and women with AS. Keep up the good work.
As far as friends go, had we not been 7,000 or so miles apart, you'd be quite welcome to join me for a social meetup if you could tolerate long bouts of silence, an aura of aloofness, and someone at least as socially awkward as you.