Does anyone hate those things? The sound disturbs me...
Okay, let's go into some detail. I have been diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome, and as I look into myself more deeper, I have always hated the bagpipes. Some may just find it annoying, some may like it, but that sound ALWAYS scarred me whether it be 5 minutes or just 2 seconds. The terrifying, extremely loud sound... causes very large sorrow. When I learned they ACTUALLY PLAY IT EVERY MORNING IN PRISON, I only could feel sorry for every prisoner having to bear the evil bagpipes. Whenever I heard the bagpipes on the TV, I swear I always felt as if I were molested... very terrible childhood. Whenever I wanted to watch a TV show, I would fear that the bagpipes could come on as effect or as a joke. If they really do find such an evil instrument funny, I'm not laughing. Worse, whenever I'm trying to eat and watch TV at the same time, the bagpipes might come on, and after that, I just feel nauseous seeing a man wear a skirt and play such a horrible sound and then I'm not hungry anymore. I can't even enjoy a nice meal without fearing that instrument! I mean, come on, don't they know that people have PROBLEMS WITH THOSE THINGS?! I swear the first thing I wanted to do if I were president of any country would be to OUTLAW the bagpipes and fine anyone using the instrument. I honestly cannot say how much I hate those things. I actually talked to my relatives about the issue and cried because of it. I always thought about "no cruel or unusual punishment". For people with Asperger syndrome (or at least just me and a few other people), this would definitely qualify as such.