I've been isolated by my friends, who basically have slowly removed me from their group. It's all down to one girl, as she's been slowly poisoning the mind of all of them, especially my best friend. Now she refuses to talk about issues, lies all the time and makes statues on facebook plainly aimed at me. She obviously wants a reaction but I'm not giving her one. I'm so lonely. They used to accept me for my differences. Now they use them against me, and the latest trick is at parties to turn the music up so loud I have a spaz attack. It 'entertains' them.
The main reason I haven't told them to get lost, is my best friend has been supported so much by our family. She was made homeless due to abuse in her home and we took her in for 6 months. Then she got her own place and we paid for half the stuff there. My mum even spent a £500 last Christmas to make sure she had as much as our family, and now she's done it again for this Christmas. I don't want my mum to have spent all that money for nothing.
I guess another reason is fear. I don't want to be alone.
I'm a girl people!
"Do or do not; there is no try." -Yoda
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