+1 Oh how CUTE. MrYouTube troll sent his fake account or gullible c**t Troll after me.
Awwww how scawie. The dumbass even gave me one of those "but" lines. "I'm not a bigot, but...", "I don't agree, BUT.." I didn't read the rest of it, because that kind of "but" is an instant give away that he typed a wall of pure bull crap. The turds want me to do the following.
1: Don't feel anything.
2: Don't exorcise free speech peacefully like everybody else on the internet. This includes stating your opinion about a person indirectly, or sharing your feelings about their conduct.
3: Like insults that get rammed down your throat for no justified reason.
4: Sugar coat your backlash, so it doesn't hurt the poor little troll who attacked you. See, if you toss it back even once, you're the big bad villain. (Oh my GOD! Really? )
5: Take more trolling bull up the tail pipe, and like it. (basically)
6: Believe every inch of false accusation or bull they hand you. (They tried, but I didn’t follow. Darn!)
7: Be quiet and don't reply, so he can dance around saying how me chat raped you. Remember that reporting him and telling him off as he had coming makes you the big bad villain! ( )
Delphi forums. Aspies for freedom. World of Warcraft, even RIFT now, and WP to. It's always three trolls. Every dam time. Is this like the holy Troll trinity I'm dealing with, or something? Where I go anywhere at all, and they magically show up to be total douche bags with great effort? And believe me; they really milk the victim role after sh*****g on you. It's what they do.
Last edited by LiendaBalla on 02 Mar 2012, 12:27 am, edited 1 time in total.