Dear "You"...From "Me"-Letters Unsent

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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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09 May 2012, 11:10 pm

Dear Me,

Relax, take some deep breaths, everything is going to turn out fine, even if you think it won't, it will.


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15 May 2012, 1:54 am

Dear guy I have wasted over 10 years of life loving,

STOP! Please tell me how I can get over you. I was content NOT having any relationship with you. Then we become best friends. I was even content then. But Nooooooo You decided you had to have me. Then I transformed into some past conquered heart. Thanks dude for not messaging me back when asking about our relationship. For leading me on. NOT letting ME flirt, but you could just walk in and say "let's do it". Thanks for leaving a huge hole in my heart...for killing what was left inside.


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<"May the Gods have mercy on you for I shall show none...">


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16 May 2012, 8:27 am

you are a creepy liar and an addict and you are disallowed from my life.
I am not helping you with anything ever again.
Stay Away From Me and My children.


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17 May 2012, 5:13 am

Dear majority of the students at my school:

Shut the hell up, I don't care what you think anymore. You can shut the hell up because you are not going to get a reaction. It may have worked when I was 12 but I'll be turning 16 in two months. We should be adults now, so why am I the only one gorwing up? You had your fun, you drove me to depression, but now you can STOP IT.

From Me

-PS. People DO like me I DO have friends and I WON'T shut up because I know I have better things to say than you.


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17 May 2012, 8:12 pm

Dear World,
Go away!


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17 May 2012, 9:51 pm

Dear ********

Sorry about before. I'm having trouble with the alexithymia at the moment and something you said (it wasn't about me) broke the floodgate open and it's showing in my post on the other thread and also in my other posts to you elsewhere.

I'm going into hibernation for the weekend so I can stop the emotional overload before it turns into something more full on. I hope you understand. This last week has just been really difficult for me is all because everyone else has been loading their emotional crap onto me. I promise I'm not ignoring you.

I hope you don't think I'm coercing you into responding, if you want to stop at any time, I geddit. So don't feel obliged to do anything you don't want to do. Or if the frequency is too much or something, let me know. I just have a lot of questions, the majority of which I'm either too scared or to shy to actually ask.

Hope you're happy and doing well,


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18 May 2012, 9:59 am

Sorry for being a crummy friend. You've been a real shoulder for me, and deserve better. :(


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21 May 2012, 2:12 pm

Dear Mother,
I'm sorry I wasted my time trying to talk to you about who I really am. I'm sorry that you are so wrapped up with your own twisted interpretations of life and other people that you have no interest in really knowing me. I tried to talk to you about my autism because I thought for once you might accept my own free admission of some of my flaws while also recognizing some of my genuine strengths. I thought you might welcome the idea that your only daughter is just wired differently, not a psycho b***ch like my EX-husband loves to tell you. You are always saying that you just want me to be honest and talk to you. I'm sorry I believed you and tried to do just that. I should have seen that the whole time I was talking, the wheels were turning in your mind and you were busy twisting everything I said like you always do and trying to figure out how you could make it fit your paranoid, solipsistic version of reality.

Ever since I can remember-- even when I was three years old-- you've never been able to take my actions or words at face value and just have some trust in me. You've always thought it was your prerogative to second-guess me, to dissect me, to talk about me behind my back with family and family friends and thus make me even more alienated. You seem to think that the worse you make me look, the better it reflects on you, because it shows how much of a selfless martyr you really are-- when actually that couldn't be farther from the truth. I know you sacrificed a lot to be a housewife thirty years, but I never asked you to. You thought you were being such a great mother by constantly looking over my shoulder and judging my every thought and feeling, but all I really needed was someone to support me and listen to me. I needed-- I still need-- you to stop thinking about what everything means for you and just actually think about my experience for once.

Yes, my house is messy. Yes, I get stressed easily and have meltdowns, and yes, I often deal with that using self-medication like cigarettes and wine, because no one has found anything else that makes me feel good. Yes, I have obsessive, esoteric interests that you will never share, and I know that but I still like to talk about them a lot. No, I will never desire the amount of socializing that you think I should, and I will never want you to come walking into my home uninvited multiple times a day. No, I will probably never hold down a stable, non-academic job or make very much money so that I can buy you flowers and take you out to dinner. But despite all that, I'm not that bad a person. I'm really not. I wish you'd see that no one except you and my ex (and the people to whom you've complained, who don't even know me) really thinks I am. My professors enjoy having me in class, I have a good relationship with my dad, and my partner and son love me and know I care about them. I'm unique, quirky, intelligent and creative. Would you really rather you had a daughter who didn't write poetry, wasn't working on an excellent degree from a respected university, didn't read obsessively, and didn't have my bizarre sense of humor-- but who knew how to clean house and receive company the way your mom taught you? Do you really want to trade me in for someone NORMAL? Do you really think that having meltdowns and relationship difficulties means that I'm less of a person, that I'm a child who can't be trusted to feed myself and turn the stove off?

If so then I'm sorry, but I will never be that normal person. I guess it's up to you to choose whether to love me, or let me go.
-Your Daughter

"And there are days when I would be away . . . Oh, wherever men of my sort used to go, long ago. Wandering on paths that other men have not seen. Behind the sky. On the other side of the rain." -Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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22 May 2012, 10:17 am

To the C*** who fired me when my wife was ill.

Had you died in a car crash before you hired me, you would have saved me a lot of pain and financial problems.

I hate you with a complete, vitriolic, gut-felt hatred that I feel for no-one else I have met. If I bump into you at an event STEER CLEAR OF ME because you will most likely get decked.

I really hope your wife gets cancer (ideally incurable) and goes through the pain and anguish that mine did while she waited for and underwent surgery, maybe then you will know why I "didn't seem very happy"

If I lose my home I will raze yours to the ground, ideally with your family in it.

Yours with a passionate hatred


-.-. --.-
To convey ones mood in seventeen syllables is very diffic


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22 May 2012, 10:11 pm

Dear my some thing other

Get mad at me for not asking whats wrong when you regected me as soon as I got home from work.
Refuse to talk to me every time the children missbehave while Im at work.
Post on face book you're leaving this world when you will never have the guts to do it.
Why must you all ways mess with my head all the time.
Why cant you take care of the house for two hours a night till I get home?
When will you push to far and I will leave this world?
Why do you mess up the head of such a simple man!

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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23 May 2012, 7:53 am

Dear Ex- Daughter in Law

Go away. Grow up and get a life of your own and stay out of mine. Do you not understand the implications of the word "Ex"? My son did not want you in his life any more, even if you are the mother of his daughter. I don't want you in mine either. We love our little girl, but not you.

Frankly, honey, I hope you die in a car crash late one night while your daughter is sleeping at the home of a friend... again. You are useless to her as a mother and she would be better off if you would just exit stage dead.

Take care and play in traffic often,

I can explain it to you, but I cannot understand it for you.
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Blue Jay
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23 May 2012, 6:24 pm

Dear Regiment of Cadets and COMCAD,

Today you allowed another bunch of cadets to be named as your leaders. I was not among those chosen. For that, I blame not only my own shortcomings, but yours as well. And more so yours than mine. Therefore, you have earned my scorn, and shall be feeling it for some time to come. It will all go away if you appoint me to the Regimental Staff.



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24 May 2012, 9:08 am

Dear _____

A lot of the time I just wish you would just leave me alone to get on with my own life. I'm sick of hearing everyday that I should be doing this and that, its MY life! I think I can make decisions on my own. Its gotten to the point were I can't be in the same room as you for more than half an hour, because its always the same identical drivel that comes out of you're mouth and I'm tired of it. Maybe if it weren't for me having to walk on eggshells around you and being put down and belittled like a child, I would be doing better right now. You have issues in you're own life so PLEASE focus on yours instead of mine for a change and leave me the f**k alone!! :wall:


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25 May 2012, 9:31 pm

Dear Mom,

Please get treatment for your bipolar disorder. Don't you see how it's affected everyone around you? Don't you see how it's affected yourself? Don't you know that the reason you're always struggling, can't hold down a job, have to move every few months, can't make friends, and have alienated your daughter is because you won't get help??? Why did you ever quit your medication????

No. I guess you don't see that.




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27 May 2012, 5:02 pm

Dear Teresa,

I hope that you're having a bad life, staying home with your two rats of dogs in your smelly apartment, listening to Top 40 on your computer.

I spend a lot of time with my friends, visiting and going places and I also go to the clubhouse as well. I live in a time warp and I have a better quality of life than you do. Don't you ever put me in the Emergency Ward in the hospital for liking the things that I enjoy, ever again.

Your Ex-friend

The Family Enigma


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30 May 2012, 8:54 am

Dear Humour Pages On Facebook Who Post Every Day About How They Don't Care If They Offend People,

You are not controversial.

You are not "badass".

Insisting that you don't care makes it look like you care a lot.

STFU and stick to being funny, you're quite good at that.

And those "inspirational" pictures need to f**k the f**k off.

- Rachel

Music Theory 101: Cadences.
Authentic cadence: V-I
Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I