Hi all,
My younger brother and I are best friends, we grew up together and although we argued sometimes we were always very close. When I moved out to go to uni 4 years ago, I didn't feel like much changed because he stayed in our home town still living with my parents, so when I came home we did a lot together because it was as if nothing had changed. I had a few boyfriends but nothing ever got serious, and I always came home at the end of the year and everything was normal. Last year after graduating, I worked on the other side of the country for 3 months, went overseas with my mum for a holiday (he couldn't come because of work) and worked for another company in our state but lived in company accommodation. I went back to uni this year and moved into a share house, but most of my stuff is still at my parents house. So basically, I haven't been around much the last few years, and according to my parents, he missed me a lot and I missed him.
The tables turned when he recently met a girl who he's pretty serious with, and it wouldn't surprise me if they're in it for the long run. He's in a stable, long term relationship, so doesn't talk to me on the phone like he used to or anything, and it's as if I'm losing my best friend. I realise now that when I worked last year and didn't come home for the holidays because I had homework to do he would've been feeling the way I am now, but now he's leaving me and I feel awful. How can I deal with him growing up and starting his own life? All the best friends I've ever had have always deserted me (for other people, boyfriends, or because I wasn't cool enough at school etc) and I don't cope with it easily. Him and my dad are the only people who really understand me and I feel like I'm out on my own now.