So I have somehting that I just need to let out. 3 days now, I haven't talked to someoneon another site directly, and it is most likely going to become a 4th because I have to go soon. I CAN'T HELP IT IF MY PARENTS WILL ONLY LET ME ON UNTIL 6.30!! ! And i may not be on much this Friday night, either. I feel like I'm letting the person down as well as them letting me down, we keep missing each other, and now I can't help thinking that maybe they are trying to avoid me for whatever reason. I know they're probably not, but still. I have school to get through each day, and I havt that on my mind all day, until I come here, only to have NO ONE AT ALL to talk to like today, and then I get LONELY!! !! I also want to listen to songs I like, making u a story in my head that i play the songs along to, but I will only continue the story with happier songs once I've talked to them. Sorry, but it's just how my mind works.
I could really do with something to make me feel better now. Sorry about this.