thank you Claradoon,janicka,Graelwyn,Aspie_for_the_Lord,topdome!!
thanks Claradon for giving me another option i hadn't thought of night school,i'll look into it!
thanks Janicka for putting things in procpective, im looking at more options!
thanks Graelwyn this has happened about 4 times but this was the first time i reported to the police, once this year at school finishes i'm going to seriously look into moving into staff acomodation, they both have known for about 7 years how much i hate heat!!
thanks Aspie_FOR_THE_lord i understand what you're saying, the reason i havent moved out already is so that the b*****d stepdad lays into me (beats me up) rather than my sister or half brother!!
thank you Topdome, i agree totally, by not bringing him up on charges this time though, i now have him in my favour and the police have it down on record that he's hit me before so if he touches me again, he'll go down for longer(which he'll deserve)! !
thanks again for now!!
Alway be yourself dont be someone your Not