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01 Aug 2010, 6:19 pm

Erisad wrote:
Yeah, I had a boyfriend make that joke to me. When I explained my Asperger's to him, his reply was "so you're ret*d?" My friends laid into the ignorant prick. This guy would make me the butt of his jokes and if I told him I didn't like it, he'd beat me later or say something cruel to send me into a meltdown. So yes, I hate those jokes with a passion. :/

Goddamn, what an as*hole... You still friends with him?

Craig28 wrote:
I blame the medical profession and the media, they should have kept AS a secret and then there wouldn't be any jokes.

True that. I don't care about the "asspie" joke since there's hundred's of meanings to the term "ass." Doesn't have such a hurtful/teasing sound as AS's nickname...


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01 Aug 2010, 6:23 pm

BigJohnnyCool wrote:
Erisad wrote:
Yeah, I had a boyfriend make that joke to me. When I explained my Asperger's to him, his reply was "so you're ret*d?" My friends laid into the ignorant prick. This guy would make me the butt of his jokes and if I told him I didn't like it, he'd beat me later or say something cruel to send me into a meltdown. So yes, I hate those jokes with a passion. :/

Goddamn, what an as*hole... You still friends with him?

Nope. I don't really see him anymore, we went to different universities. Granted, I haven't been treated much better by guys since then. It's like they want nothing to do with me because I'm an overweight aspie. :/


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02 Aug 2010, 12:43 am

Sue-er would bait/trigger me into a seizure or
meltdown THEN she'd want to get all kisssy
with me which I cood not do since I was too
pickstoff to be in a loving mood.

I just did not get her, why she would abuse me
mentaly and expect me to love her is beyond me,
and she said "why are you acting like this""? Dang
she was the stupidest person on the planet, she
took advantage of me i know she did.

She made fun of my handicap and then would
act shocked when I had a tantrum or get all kissy
what the essense of stool did she want anyway?

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02 Aug 2010, 3:03 pm

Ass Burger :lol: Not trying to make light of your post, but if you want to know how I'd react, that's how. I agree with Jookia, people make fun of everything and I'd try not to take it personally unless it's clearly meant that way. The "ret*d" ones strike me as more hostile, but it still depends on context. Sometimes people just don't know when they've crossed the line between harmless fun and something offensive.


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05 Aug 2010, 2:11 pm

it's a stupid joke, but that's all it is IMO...stupid. Its "shock value" wears off after awhile.


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22 Dec 2012, 9:22 pm

Rather than start a new thread on the same topic, I thought I'd ressurrect this one in-topic.

The webcomic "Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal" posted a 'toon today (Dec. 22, 2012) that could be taken good or bad, depending on how you view people who use AS/HFA as an excuse to behave like NT jerks...

SMBC - 12222012 - Copyright by Zach Weiner

Offended or not?


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24 Dec 2012, 5:59 am

I hear stuff like this all the time when I play League (of Legends). They usually say things like "X has autism because X!" I try to ignore them but its still freaking frustrating that its becoming a substitute for the word ret*d. -_-

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24 Dec 2012, 6:06 am

The jokes don't bother me one bit, in fact I laugh with some of them. Others I'm just like 'Really?'. I'm just lucky to hang around people who aren't as juvenile. We still are, but not in that sense.

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24 Dec 2012, 7:20 am

No, not sick of seeing 'it' specifically on the internet. Because its just on the internet means there is a general lack of awareness for it. Also related Aspergers and ADD symptoms (Dyspraxia).

I am sick of corny jokes in general tho, so I guess that'd count.


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26 Dec 2012, 2:25 pm

Even though that is how it's pronounced where I live, and I'm pretty thick skinned about that, sometimes I get pissed off about it too. The other day a friend of mine, a preacher in fact, posted something on his FB about the CT shooter. He said something like "apparantly it's ok to kill people if you have ass-burgers". I'm not "out" about mine, but that pissed me off so much that I commented on his post. I told him that Asperger Syndrome is high functioning autism and it's not psychopathy and doesn't cause people to snap and go on a rampage. I also said that it's what I have and that most people I know with it are normal, regular people who may or may not have some social difficulties and sensory issues, not issues with recognizing right and wrong. I also told him that even though I have the "dreaded ass-burgers" I don't go around making fun of his diabetes and morbid obesity, nor do I purposefully refer to it like Wilford Brimley does in his commercials, "dia-bet-us". Then I told him that I certainly hoped that he displays more compassion and sense in the pulpit than he does on facebook.

He never replied to that.

I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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03 Jan 2013, 2:42 pm

Erisad wrote:
Yeah, I had a boyfriend make that joke to me. When I explained my Asperger's to him, his reply was "so you're ret*d?" My friends laid into the ignorant prick. This guy would make me the butt of his jokes and if I told him I didn't like it, he'd beat me later or say something cruel to send me into a meltdown. So yes, I hate those jokes with a passion. :/

I completely understand you on that particular situation. I had a girlfriend that did that before I met and married my second wife. I made the mistake of letting it build and build. I finally lost it and screamed at her for over ten minutes when I had had enough. I found myself single and in extreme physical pain a couple minutes later. People don't always understand how much it hurts us as aspies when people make cruel comments. I have learned since that bad experience to remember that people like that usually have self confidence issues themselves and I pity them.

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03 Jan 2013, 3:08 pm

I don't hear those jokes in Britain because ''ass'' is ''arse'' over here. In fact, Asperger's Syndrome isn't very well-known over here at all. Most people haven't even heard of it, they just think you're either severely Autistic or you're not, and those with just mild forms of it are just looked upon as ''weird'' or ''emotionally disturbed''. I suppose it's good in a way, but in another way it's not so good really. Social rules are really strict here, you've GOT to look a certain way when out in public, otherwise you get ridiculed. The general public have black and white perspectives with each other in public, ''you're either normal or insane''. Nobody stops and thinks ''hold on - this person could have a medical condition''.

Sorry, I trailed off there, but I just can't help being appauled by the society I am living in.



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03 Jan 2013, 3:36 pm

I call myself arse burger all the time.

I don't mind at all if it's not done in a rude or malicious way.


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03 Jan 2013, 6:49 pm

I can't believe I'm the first one to post this :)



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03 Jan 2013, 8:40 pm


There's a few amusing (non-hostile) pictures out there. ;)


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04 Jan 2013, 12:46 am

i like :thumright: