curiosityband wrote:
Here's the deal - I've got a genius IQ, all kinds of creative artistic talent, skills, and the like, and I'm always coming up with clever things.
But I don't function well enough to have a job (plus I have a host of chronic health problems which also prevents me from work). So the talent and the little ideas and whatnot go nowhere. Nothing I do is of any particular use to anybody. I want to feel like I'm contributing to society somehow, but I'm not.
The Aspies I read about are always doing spectacular things, because they don't write books about the ones who crumble into nothing. I feel as if I'm a failure at having AS because I can't be like Temple Grandin, and a failure at being a genius because it doesn't do me, or anyone, any good. It just makes life more frustrating.
Are there those of you who feel similarly?
Yes, I do feel the same way--I was thinking about that earlier. I don't have a genius IQ, but I do have unusual interests which I haven't been able to translate into anything in the real world. That disappoints me, the yin and the yang of AS. I seem to have the yin but not the yang. Honestly, I think the ADHD restricts some of the gifts I would otherwise have. I can focus strongly on things, just not for long enough to be any good at it.