Crearan wrote:
I don't know where to go. I've been seeing psychiatrists and therapists my entire life, although probably not as intensively as I should have. I hate the back of my mind that always feels calculating whenever I cry or break down. I want to feel things without analyzing them and judging their affects at the same time. I mean, I'm even doing it right now, posting here! Being dramatic! Trying for who knows what. Someone to tell me I'm a better person than I know I am and that there's hope. There's not. Because I'm here posting this! If I were a good person, I would be at work and thinking about how much my family would be hurt by this; I would have friends and not hurt people, including myself.
There is always hope, it's just not visible sometimes. You have the ability to analyze, which is an asset, you can use this to analyze your statement above and realise that you have been thinking of how this would hurt your family. Life is overwhelming sometimes, you are able to get though this dark time and learn how to accept yourself, flaws and virtues both.
Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything he does