Yes, and I honestly a) didn't mean to start an independent thread
b) am glad I did because hey, sharing these funny but unfunny true situations can only be appreciated and understood by my peers. Hey, I made friends, hence making life a little
Less sucky! c) hope it sticks and encourage others to share their very own FML sentiments...
The common format is to express the irritation, irony, travesty, etc. followed by "FML".
In trying to find local adult Asperger's/autism support, I am coming up empty handed, directed only to groups who work with children's issues (IEP lecture, for example), asked if I want to lead one (not against the idea but don't know the first thing about support, need guidance! Want Help before I can feel comfortable aiding - my knowledge would be based on Fight Club support group and trust me, nobody wants that), and given lip service by several entities about forming a support group for adults, THEN, the icing on the cake is the very same gal who asked if I could lead later left a message talking r-e-a-l s-l-o-w-like and sounding it all out like I am an imbecile. FML