I feel alone . . . Can ANYONE on here relate?!?

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Emu Egg
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19 Feb 2015, 6:53 am

I feel as though I will never actually accomplish anything I really want to do because I'm stuck in an adult foster home due to my "high-functioning" autism. Is anyone else out there experiencing anything like this? I really feel like there's hardly anyone in my life who can relate to me, and that I'll always be the number one failure in my family. That deeply saddens me. All I want is to get married (or at least engaged), perhaps have kids, get my own apartment, and work as a receptionist or some other entry-level office job somewhere. Oh, and I want more friends. However, I'm starting to think that all of the above is just too much to ask, and that I should wake up and smell the coffee, because most of it will probably never happen. I feel so stupid, incompetent, and useless. :(

Most of all, I would love to meet someone who has lived in my kind of situation, and gotten out of the situation to become successful. I just really need someone to talk to on here who can relate to this! If someone could please talk to me on here, I would greatly appreciate it, as I feel like I really have no one else to turn to. Has anyone else on here lived in an adult foster home? If so, PLEASE help!!

PS - sorry if this post sounds stupid or pathetic, makes me sound too needy, doesn't make much sense or is too long!! :oops: :cry:

PPS - I just joined this website today. I also want to clarify to anyone who reads this posting that I am not only here to rant about myself, but I will also try to support others as often as I can, because I know that life on the spectrum is not easy for anyone experiencing it!!


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19 Feb 2015, 7:05 am

It is not stupid or pathetic. Wanting a relationship and feeling wanted is a basic human need, even for aspies.

You seem quite coherent and aware, care to tell why you are in an adult foster home?

Myself, i havent lived in a foster home, but i've been alone most of my adult life. Even when i was younger and followed some friends out to clubs, i sat alone and went home earlier because i could not relate and there were too many people around. I've had one relationship, but that was ages ago and it only lasted a few weeks. Never been on a vacation because i have noone to go with, and i've just gone wherever work has taken me.

I've got a job, my own place but i live alone and i'm sick of it, but i'm too tired to even bother going on dates nowdays. I go to work, i go home, i sleep. Thats my life. Friends that i had when i were younger i hardly ever see nowdays. I talk to some people over the internet, mostly former classmates and people i've met online, but most of my classmates i havent seen for decades.


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20 Feb 2015, 12:18 am

Welcome to the forum, I'm new too. I joined out of unbearable loneliness.

You do sound coherent and aware and people say I am too, but in my case those traits prevented others from offering compassion and assistance to me for so many years.

I lived in a halfway house for the last two years of highschool. But the school and organisation thought I was capable of caring for myself so I lived there alone. I was underage, working two jobs, and away from family and friends. It was a 5 bedroom house in an undesirable area and I am lucky I was not harmed. Did I feel threatened and scared, yes. But my mum never even visited, she never called, I don't think she even knew where I was.

They were some of the darkest days and I vowed to work hard and make something of my life. I wanted my family to be proud of me and embrace me even if it was only due to success. I'm still waiting on the outside.

After finishing school (with high distinctions), I went on to have a career in retail and worked in big offices and large teams of people. I had a breakdown a couple of years ago and after lots of effort I am slowly getting back on my feet and planning my own business in retail and completing a university degree.

I am lonely all the time and my emotions are so intense sometimes it feel like I will pass out. I just made up my mind to live my life on my terms now.

All I ever wanted was the simple life with a husband and home "to love and be loved in return" yet somehow I find myself approaching 30 with a trail of failed relationships in my wake. It's gut wrenching to realise I've never been the "best option", they would rather let me go and take their chances finding someone better. I now know that "better" is any other normal (NT) person.

I have forgiven myself for "failing" to be NT, and now I let myself take extra time to rest and rebuild my energy. I learned my limits the hard way but that knowledge has become my power. It sounds a bit crazy but that's how I have to view my realistic potential vs ability and ambition.

You can do whatever you put your mind to, just remember to do it YOUR way. And stuff the rest :wink:

I can't even, but I can odd.

Emu Egg
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20 Feb 2015, 12:30 am

I just joined today too so I get what you mean. I don't know with AS. I know what it's like to feel alone and like nobody understands

Emu Egg
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05 Mar 2015, 8:29 pm

Thank you all for responding to my post. Sorry it took me so long to get back to you.


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07 Mar 2015, 12:27 am

I feel lonely myself. I got arrested again recently. I don't want to say why. Just know that I feel angry. I was duped into signing my flat lease away too.


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07 Mar 2015, 12:36 am

I'm not sure if I do have asperger or not
but I do know what its like being lonely and failing at life,
I just dropped uni -again-,
I'm finding it harder and harder to come closer to my own dreams and living up to my own expectations
I've lost friends, great chances and my happiness

I know I can't help you much, but I just wanted to tell you that you're not alone at this
I really hope you can get over everything that's happening and to have your dream life in the future

I wish you the best of luck.


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07 Mar 2015, 1:04 am

Alone a lot recently. dx recent at 58.

Never been in foster homes, spent about 30 years living in slums, lucky to escape being homeless, lucky to escape psychiatry, lucky to escape alive from drugs and drink. Have actually been very lucky in someways.

Only been on here a few days myself, but I haven't felt judged here.