Life happened by accident, but once it chemically self-organized and began self-replicating those two attributes became the most basic traits to be passed to the next generation (or there would be no further generations). All life on earth shares the same genes for these traits, along with the vast majority of our other genes that are necessary to be deemed, "alive". Especially when you consider how interconnected the survival of everything on our planet is, it's like all life on Earth could be seen as one single type of organism that has simply diversified greatly.
So at the very most basic level, the meaning of life is, "Don't die" and, "Help ensure life on Earth survives". Beyond that it's all gravy. But keep in mind that "Don't die" extrapolated out also means, "Be as happy as you can" and "Help ensure life survives" also means, "Be kind to others".
“For small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love.”
―Carl Sagan
Last edited by Edenthiel on 10 Apr 2016, 11:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.