Hello, mouse. If you can't get any services through the autism route, get some services through substance abuse treatment or depression (mental health help). You haven't told us what led to job loss or the children being removed. Resolve to work on areas that interfere with the children living with you again. You also need to give up the booze (alcohol), which, as you know I'm sure, should never be mixed with sleeping pills.
I don't see the situation as so hopeless. Try to use the free time (no kids) on improving your health, such as getting a little exercise every day, cooking a meal, using the public library if there is one there, and so on. I'm not sure when your money will run out, but you may want to apply for public assistance just to pay your housing and food. You do need help, so investigate a little what these agencies may offer, and get your name on various waiting lists.
Good luck to you.
A finger in every pie.