Powerstroke6.7 wrote:
I guess I like the calming effect of the meth and the energy of the base yeah I wish they would legalize personal poss of coke and meth like under 3.5 grams or something like I've actaty nerve have been final see with any thing but have struggled in school and jobs and being really disorganized
All the crap you're putting into your system will only make things worse. If you think life is hard now, keep that s**t up and get back to me in a few years after you've been fired multiple times, fried your brain, damaged internal organs, landed in jail and/or alienated everyone who might actually care about you.
I'm not being melodramatic; I've known a couple of people over the last year who, after steering their lives straight into hell, died of either deliberate or accidental overdoses. One of them was "honored" at a funeral service today; very cheap, tacky, and undignified because angry, resentful relatives merely filled their obligation to dispose of her remains, rather than honor the wonderful woman she was before drugs ruined her life. Seriously, if you really want to know what's up with your mind and body, get the junk out of your system first. If you really want your life circumstances to improve, get the junk out of your system first. If you want to have a decent future, get the junk out of your system a.s.a.p.