Do I have Austism or not

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29 Aug 2016, 4:20 pm

Hey guys I came here to see what you guys think could I have a form of Austism a little abount me I love to fish love diesel trucks and hanging with friends which are normally the problem are that I have always feel really bad abount myself sometimes I can be obsessive over things I'm interested in I have a lot of trouble staying focis which causes me to get in trouble a lot and make poor grades and not perform well and get board I'm extreme adventurous but always seem to forgot to do something I been told and forgot to die and stuffier that thsnks guys


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29 Aug 2016, 4:28 pm

From what you wrote it sounds like you might have ADHD, but I don't know about autism. Do you have trouble socializing and making friends?


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29 Aug 2016, 4:58 pm

No typical I do okay socliZeing and have a good number of friends sometimes tho I don't make good eye contact and a little nervous but for the most part I can socliize pretty good i just forgot things and don't hear them which normally causes me problem weather I'm at school home or at work sorry for bad spelling


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02 Sep 2016, 1:31 pm

No one here is qualified to diagnose someone on-line.

What you describe may be caused by many things ... drug abuse, alcoholism, fumes from adhesives or industrial solvents, brain trauma, improper diet ... anything, really.


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02 Sep 2016, 1:45 pm

Drug abuse and improper diet?

Yeah I frequently don't make eye contact after getting high and having a pizza.

Thats sarcasm by the way,

Also lol fumes from adhesives?

Well I guess I know the cause of my autism, I used too much glue in kindergarten.

Still your first point was valid, no one can tell diagnose here but we can talk about experience but I don't think anyone is going to say their autism was caused by doing drugs, eating a big mac or sniffing glue unless Fnord knows something we don't :D


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02 Sep 2016, 3:21 pm

dcj123 wrote:
... no one can tell diagnose here but we can talk about experience but I don't think anyone is going to say their autism was caused by doing drugs, eating a big mac or sniffing glue unless Fnord knows something we don't.
Your sarcasm pre-assumes that the OP has autism. Since no-one knows whether or not the OP has autism (even the OP himself), then it is the symptoms he described that could be caused by just about anything.

Alcoholism and drug addiction (especially amphetamines) can cause people to obsess. Alcohol, drugs, chemical fumes, brain trauma, and improper diet (including allergies and food poisoning) can cause people to lose focus and have memory problems (and get bad grades in school).

Ergo, just because someone has any or all of these symptoms does not necessarily mean that the person has autism.


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02 Sep 2016, 3:25 pm

Fnord wrote:
dcj123 wrote:
... no one can tell diagnose here but we can talk about experience but I don't think anyone is going to say their autism was caused by doing drugs, eating a big mac or sniffing glue unless Fnord knows something we don't.
Your sarcasm pre-assumes that the OP has autism. Since no-one knows whether or not the OP has autism (even the OP himself), then it is the symptoms he described that could be caused by just about anything.

Alcoholism and drug addiction (especially amphetamines) can cause people to obsess. Alcohol, drugs, chemical fumes, brain trauma, and improper diet (including allergies and food poisoning) can cause people to lose focus and have memory problems (and get bad grades in school).

Ergo, just because someone has any or all of these symptoms does not necessarily mean that the person has autism.

Ok I'll go with that, sorry to assume but its at least possible OP could be autistic, I would at a minimum recommend he seeks help over changing his diet but everything you said is valid in this context. For me the lack eye contact is kinda of revealing, I don't know many other things that would cause that with his other symptoms.


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02 Sep 2016, 4:12 pm

I do smoke free base abount every town weeks crack cocaine used to smoke meth it makes me to tired tho and sleepy every though it's cheaper plus UK abount grind all my teeth and I'm only 19


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02 Sep 2016, 7:04 pm

Powerstroke6.7 wrote:
I do smoke free base abount every town weeks crack cocaine used to smoke meth it makes me to tired tho and sleepy every though it's cheaper plus UK abount grind all my teeth and I'm only 19

Autism is the least of your problems,

Talk to me here, why do you do drugs? What do you hope to gain using crack and meth? Autism or no I believe I can help. Its about personal limits, if you can drink and be sane then fine, if you can smoke weed and be sane then fine, if you can take six anti depression meds and be sane then fine. However these aren't friendly drugs, you are going to get hurt if by no other means then the association you have with your dealer. Do I believe in criminalizing them? No but there is little chance that this is good for you. I believe all drugs have merit but in the context of regular use, cocaine and meth can not help you live a better life.

If you want to improve your life, then thats the first thing to stop. Set boundaries, even if you drop acid once a year, fine but set boundaries. You can't have boundaries on cocaine and meth. Maybe in the context of someone dying but nothing else.


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02 Sep 2016, 7:53 pm

I guess I like the calming effect of the meth and the energy of the base yeah I wish they would legalize personal poss of coke and meth like under 3.5 grams or something like I've actaty nerve have been final see with any thing but have struggled in school and jobs and being really disorganized


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02 Sep 2016, 8:15 pm

Powerstroke6.7 wrote:
I guess I like the calming effect of the meth and the energy of the base yeah I wish they would legalize personal poss of coke and meth like under 3.5 grams or something like I've actaty nerve have been final see with any thing but have struggled in school and jobs and being really disorganized

All the crap you're putting into your system will only make things worse. If you think life is hard now, keep that s**t up and get back to me in a few years after you've been fired multiple times, fried your brain, damaged internal organs, landed in jail and/or alienated everyone who might actually care about you.

I'm not being melodramatic; I've known a couple of people over the last year who, after steering their lives straight into hell, died of either deliberate or accidental overdoses. One of them was "honored" at a funeral service today; very cheap, tacky, and undignified because angry, resentful relatives merely filled their obligation to dispose of her remains, rather than honor the wonderful woman she was before drugs ruined her life. Seriously, if you really want to know what's up with your mind and body, get the junk out of your system first. If you really want your life circumstances to improve, get the junk out of your system first. If you want to have a decent future, get the junk out of your system a.s.a.p.


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02 Sep 2016, 8:17 pm

Ok have you consider not using, is the calming effect what keeps you using? Have you thought of alternatives? Have you spoke to a doctor? Would you describe yourself as having anxiety? Have you considered the possibility that you might do better in school and work off drugs? Do you think its worth a try? Do you think you could stop using for a few weeks and see if you feel better? Look at this way, why would you buy meth if you could get your insurance to pay for a better solution? What part of the world are you in? Can you get good health care? I think you need to talk to someone very badly. You can mention the autism but I think I would make a point to tell them your on drugs. Ask them what they can do to help you. If you can't picture stopping for even a few days to see how you feel then we have a different beast entirely.


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02 Sep 2016, 8:25 pm

I stopped for 2 mouth after rehab but I was my same old person I used to be failing every thing when on meth my mind is on point every thing just makes since I actually listen and instead of talk now crack I just do when I fell bad have don meth in over 2 mouth just stated crack abount 3 weeks ago it to short lasting 15 mins


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03 Sep 2016, 4:05 pm

Consider the following,

The effects you feel from crack last 15 minutes but did you know that the drug itself works in your body when your not feeling its effects? What if the crack is doing harm outside of those 15 minutes? Do you think its possible that it could be having an effect that you can't notice?

Lets focus on one right now without the other, can you see yourself not doing just one? Can you do meth without the crack? Can you do crack without the meth?