I have a car that won't jump (pretty sure it's a dead battery, but I have this issue so often I wonder if there isn't an electrical problem) and obsessive worries about chimney fires.
Sometimes I think I should quit burning the damn stove and invest in a good bicycle with a two-kid trailer.
Other than very long distances (100 miles to my side of the family, 1,000 miles to my husband's side), pretty much everything I do is within 10 miles of home. Everything truly important (school, preschool, grocery store) except the dentist and pediatrician is within 5 miles.
I could do that by bicycle with a little bit of planning.
I KNOW that sound is the refrigerator running. The stove pipe is so cool, I can put my ear against it to listen for roaring sounds. Can't get chimney fires out of my head. Probably because I'm irritated over the damn car.
"Alas, our dried voices when we whisper together are quiet and meaningless, as wind in dry grass, or rats' feet over broken glass in our dry cellar." --TS Eliot, "The Hollow Men"