The two stages of depression

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25 Nov 2017, 12:33 am


The days are long, but the years are short


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25 Nov 2017, 12:47 am

Big dragon hugs. I wish I had some advice to offer in addition.

Yet in my new wildness and freedom I almost welcome the bitterness of alienage. For although nepenthe has calmed me, I know always that I am an outsider; a stranger in this century and among those who are still men.
-H. P. Lovecraft, "The Outsider"


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25 Nov 2017, 12:55 am

RetroGamer87 wrote:
So I'm single again. Do you think I'm obsessed with getting another girlfriend? Nope. I thought getting a girlfriend would make me happy. I had a girlfriend this morning and I wasn't happy so why get another girlfriend? It won't make me happy. Why buy a house? It won't make me happy. Why get a degree? It won't make me happy. Nothing will make me happy!!

You're not searching for happiness, Retro, you're searching for one of three things.
Either Peace, Meaning, or Belonging. Or maybe a combination of them.

RetroGamer87 wrote:
I want my happiness to have more meaning that that.

You are looking for meaning.


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25 Nov 2017, 12:58 am

dragonsanddemons wrote:
Big dragon hugs. I wish I had some advice to offer in addition.

Hugs back. I think I just have to slog through it. I will own a house one day. It will just take a lot longer than I'd planned.

SpiceWolf wrote:
RetroGamer87 wrote:
So I'm single again. Do you think I'm obsessed with getting another girlfriend? Nope. I thought getting a girlfriend would make me happy. I had a girlfriend this morning and I wasn't happy so why get another girlfriend? It won't make me happy. Why buy a house? It won't make me happy. Why get a degree? It won't make me happy. Nothing will make me happy!!

You're not searching for happiness, Retro, you're searching for one of three things.
Either Peace, Meaning, or Belonging. Or maybe a combination of them.

RetroGamer87 wrote:
I want my happiness to have more meaning that that.

You are looking for meaning.

Hey yeah! So how do I get that?

The days are long, but the years are short


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25 Nov 2017, 2:46 am

Meaning is derived from universals. Specifically the relation of particulars(e.g. you) to that which is universal.
And we live in a culture that is hostile to such absolutes.
That makes finding meaning much harder than it needs to be.

Even then it's not something that can be just served up on a plate, it would be nice if it was that easy.
But knowing what your searching for, is half the battle.

If you want my honest opinion, I'd say go somewhere where you wont feel embarrassed, where noone will see you or hear you.
And ask God if he exists or not, and ask him why you exist.

I don't promise you it will work, but I do know that it worked on at least one occasion for one person.

What I can tell you is that, as ends in themselves, you wont find any meaning in money, status, cars or houses.
You were born naked, and empty handed, and that's how we leave when we die. If their is anything we can take with us, it's our character.

So even if you are utterly hostile to the concept of religion, at least try to be a good person, a kind person, someone who works to make the world a better place.

Also read Ecclesiastes. Seriously.
You'll find a kindred soul in it I think.


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25 Nov 2017, 3:11 am

SpiceWolf wrote:
If you want my honest opinion, I'd say go somewhere where you wont feel embarrassed, where noone will see you or hear you.
I'm in my apartment. Check.
SpiceWolf wrote:
And ask God if he exists or not
I already asked him a long time ago. He said no. He didn't answer any further questions.
SpiceWolf wrote:
So even if you are utterly hostile to the concept of religion
I totally am.
SpiceWolf wrote:
Also read Ecclesiastes. Seriously.

The days are long, but the years are short


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25 Nov 2017, 3:27 am

If u bought a house could u rent the rooms? Can u cope living with others?


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25 Nov 2017, 4:33 am

Cat23 wrote:
Can u cope living with others?

No. And believe me, I've tried.

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25 Nov 2017, 8:13 am

I desire a lot of things. I won't get most of them.

I create my own happiness with the things I already have, and the things which are available to me (e.g., Nature).

You have an apartment with a terrace, and you've gone far in recent times.

Why not be content with what you've got, while still striving for more?


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25 Nov 2017, 8:14 am

I guess I feel like being content might lead me to complacency. It's not that I want more, it's that I feel like I need to want more in order to stay motivated.

If I keep that up then one day I will own an apartment with a terrace.

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25 Nov 2017, 8:34 am

You can strive for more, while being content with what you have.

The surgery is unavoidable. Things just might get better as a result of it.


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25 Nov 2017, 3:54 pm

Wait are u talking about an apartment or a house I’m confused


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25 Nov 2017, 4:59 pm

I guess I could buy either but I'd prefer to buy an apartment because I like being high up and I hate mowing the lawn.

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25 Nov 2017, 5:52 pm

Apartments are usually cheaper, anyway.....

I live in a $195,000 apartment in a neighborhood with $400,000 houses (and that's the minimum).

Emu Egg
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01 Dec 2017, 3:26 am

Mate, definitely get the surgery!

Sounds like the results of surgery will make it easier to get another girlfriend. The right girlfriend should lead to love,
which will make you a whole lot happier than owning a house ever will.
You've got tons of time to worry about buying a house after you have the surgery and in between all those dates you will be going on looking for Miss Right :D


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01 Dec 2017, 7:49 am

At the moment I'm doing neither. Doing either one makes me feel too scared. I've been feeling a lot better for the past couple of days by continuously thinking to myself "I'm not doing either one, I won't lose the money because I'm not doing either one".

Anyway, buying an apartment would entail moving and I hate moving. It would also mean a lot of paperwork.

I heard that I might be able to get the braces and/or surgury for a fraction of the cost through the public service. They might use less advanced titanium implants than what the private surgeon offers.

I'm not sure if me being an apartment was realistic. I had picked out a small cheap one in the city but then I realised that the mortgage payments would be about 1.5 times my current rent (more for a decent sized apartment in the city).

What this means is that I might have to continue living in the suburbs :( The suburbs feels like such a wasteland. If I want to do anything fun (or get to work) I have to go to the city. If I lived in the city it would all be there.

I was scared off by talk of 20% but then I found out with mortgage insurance I might only need a 10% deposit. If I go through with it it won't immediately change my life because my mortgage payments will be at least as much as my rent. There won't be a noticeable change in my finances for another 25 years. But in the long run rent seems like a complete waste of money.

I don't know, maybe I'll have to rent for my entire life but that means 1. I'll never own any assets and 2. I'll never be able to retire. If I have to pay rent I'll be working until the day I die.

I don't think I look that bad. Plenty of girls have said I look cute though the surgury would give me a bigger chin (which I like).

I'm not sure if it even matters. This year I've had two girlfriends, both of whom had awful personalities and very little common interest. Being with them was nearly like having a stranger with benefits.

I'm not saying they're bad but I just didn't mesh with either of them on a personality level. A good partner should be like a best friend as well as a lover and neither of those two felt like someone I'd be friends with. We just had nothing in common.

I've only had one girlfriend who possessed just the right kind of personality so that I'd have been good friends with her even if we hadn't been dating.

We got on like cheese and bacon but then I screwed it up and said some bad things I quickly regretted and now she's with another guy. My fault. All my fault.

I'll never have her back so why should I even bother with girls? After she left, my next two relationships were just based on sex but that gets boring pretty fast. I had nothing in common with them. I felt like I was alone even when I was with them. My next few girlfriends will probably be like that as well :(

The days are long, but the years are short