Why are people offended by everything?

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Emu Egg
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30 Dec 2017, 4:59 am

EzraS wrote:
I think it's a social justice warrior thing. Political correctness taken to extreme levels. To me it just seems like an excuse to attack others. And by others it seems primarily directed at white males.

There does not seem to be much social justice in taking offense at everything and launching indiscriminate attacks on everything that moves (and looks male).
Sorry boys. I mean it.
Not everything that you men do is bad. I get it that men are (sexually) attracted to women (we would be griping if they were not attracted to us) and they sometimes get the timing wrong - and the tone. I get it that men sometimes find it hard to look a woman in the eye, when there are two juicy boobies just at T-shirt level (unless the guy is autistic ) Or maybe the boobies are not really the main attraction and she's wearing a really good read on her chest.
Here is looking at a less offended world in 2018


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30 Dec 2017, 5:25 am

FunkyPunky wrote:
Last night I saw a post on Facebook saying that breast cancer charities that use shirt like "Save the Boobies" or "Save Second Base" need to be shut down because it was misogynistic. I left a comment asking if it really mattered since the charity was literally saving women's lives. Shouldn't that be enough? I woke up with a reply list a mile long calling me a misogynist a mansplainer and a dozen other names I won't repeat here. Why are people so determined to be offended that they would rather leave cancer patients without treatment than put on their big kid pants and deal with it?

I can see how you might think it's misogynistic but sometimes the context entirely changes the meaning of something, and that's what is going on in this case. In this case, the meaning of "save the boobies" is not that "boobies" are more important than women, the meaning is to save women and it's phrased in the way it is to intentionally fly a little counter to social norms in a bid to draw attention.

Being you now have everyone's attention, it would be a nice gesture to present them the opportunity to donate to breast cancer research.


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30 Dec 2017, 10:02 am

Chronos wrote:
FunkyPunky wrote:
Last night I saw a post on Facebook saying that breast cancer charities that use shirt like "Save the Boobies" or "Save Second Base" need to be shut down because it was misogynistic. I left a comment asking if it really mattered since the charity was literally saving women's lives. Shouldn't that be enough? I woke up with a reply list a mile long calling me a misogynist a mansplainer and a dozen other names I won't repeat here. Why are people so determined to be offended that they would rather leave cancer patients without treatment than put on their big kid pants and deal with it?

I can see how you might think it's misogynistic but sometimes the context entirely changes the meaning of something, and that's what is going on in this case. In this case, the meaning of "save the boobies" is not that "boobies" are more important than women, the meaning is to save women and it's phrased in the way it is to intentionally fly a little counter to social norms in a bid to draw attention.

Being you now have everyone's attention, it would be a nice gesture to present them the opportunity to donate to breast cancer research.

I want to make it clear *I* am not the one offended here. I'm more offended by the people who want to shut down an entire charity that has nothing to do with them because their feelings are hurt. But sure okay. Everbody go donate to breast cancer.


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30 Dec 2017, 10:24 am

^ Not sure why you posted in the Haven in you weren't wounded by this incident, and seeking sympathy. Maybe PPR would have been a more appropriate place for this debate.

And I agree that 'PC' and 'SJW' extremists can sometimes go too far. But personally I think women who are facing a life-threatening illness deserve more respect. It comes across as if their lives are only worth saving insofar as they continue to be worthy sex objects, for the ultimate benefit of men.

I also disagree that women lose out, if charities with offensive names are shut down. (Would we care if Autism Speaks got axed?) If people want to donate toward breast cancer treatment, they can choose an organization that treats women as human beings, worthy of dignity and respect.


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30 Dec 2017, 12:47 pm

Ashariel wrote:
And I agree that 'PC' and 'SJW' extremists can sometimes go too far. But personally I think women who are facing a life-threatening illness deserve more respect. It comes across as if their lives are only worth saving insofar as they continue to be worthy sex objects, for the ultimate benefit of men.

I also disagree that women lose out, if charities with offensive names are shut down. (Would we care if Autism Speaks got axed?) If people want to donate toward breast cancer treatment, they can choose an organization that treats women as human beings, worthy of dignity and respect.

That's you putting words into other peoples mouths. IE offending yourself. What does breast cancer effect? The breasts aka "boobies". Nobody mentioned sex or having a "benefit to the man" that's all you adding to what people actually said because you didn't use words that you approved of.

Autism doesn't kill people. Cancer does. Need I say more?


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30 Dec 2017, 12:58 pm

Point taken, and I respect your opinion on that.


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30 Dec 2017, 8:57 pm

FunkyPunky wrote:
Ashariel wrote:
And I agree that 'PC' and 'SJW' extremists can sometimes go too far. But personally I think women who are facing a life-threatening illness deserve more respect. It comes across as if their lives are only worth saving insofar as they continue to be worthy sex objects, for the ultimate benefit of men.

I also disagree that women lose out, if charities with offensive names are shut down. (Would we care if Autism Speaks got axed?) If people want to donate toward breast cancer treatment, they can choose an organization that treats women as human beings, worthy of dignity and respect.

That's you putting words into other peoples mouths. IE offending yourself. What does breast cancer effect? The breasts aka "boobies". Nobody mentioned sex or having a "benefit to the man" that's all you adding to what people actually said because you didn't use words that you approved of.

Autism doesn't kill people. Cancer does. Need I say more?

Like I mentioned earlier breast cancer does not only affect the breasts.


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30 Dec 2017, 11:07 pm

Onyxaxe wrote:
Because life experiences aren't black and white. People that are easily offended to the point of being a pain in the ass have probably been abused and only know how to deal with things they don't like in an over the top manner. To add to it, saying things like save the boobies may make women who have had Masectomies feel like less of a woman. Breast cancer doesn't stop at boobs, just like my mom's ovarian cancer didn't stop at her ovaries.

They're cause is honorable but I think a lot of us in here are offended by autism speaks. Just try to ignore the radicals when they get out of hand, they need to learn how to use their heads rather than their emotions to get their points across. They're just being immature. Most people don't have a reason to study emotional intelligence like us on the spectrum.

Please note that in "their" honorable cause I meant the OP's charity references. Autism speaks can suck a ----


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30 Dec 2017, 11:21 pm

Breast cancer doesn't just occur in women. Their assumption that it's all about women is uneducated, narrow minded, and sexist. Personally I try not engage with stupid people. It seems to encourage them. My advise is back away slowly then turn and run.

I have a piece of paper that says ASD Level 2 so it must be true.


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30 Dec 2017, 11:56 pm

Onyxaxe wrote:
FunkyPunky wrote:
Ashariel wrote:
And I agree that 'PC' and 'SJW' extremists can sometimes go too far. But personally I think women who are facing a life-threatening illness deserve more respect. It comes across as if their lives are only worth saving insofar as they continue to be worthy sex objects, for the ultimate benefit of men.

I also disagree that women lose out, if charities with offensive names are shut down. (Would we care if Autism Speaks got axed?) If people want to donate toward breast cancer treatment, they can choose an organization that treats women as human beings, worthy of dignity and respect.

That's you putting words into other peoples mouths. IE offending yourself. What does breast cancer effect? The breasts aka "boobies". Nobody mentioned sex or having a "benefit to the man" that's all you adding to what people actually said because you didn't use words that you approved of.

Autism doesn't kill people. Cancer does. Need I say more?

Like I mentioned earlier breast cancer does not only affect the breasts.

True but since it's called "breast cancer" and not "breast and a few of the surrounding body parts cancer" I don't blame them for focusing on the breast part lol

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31 Dec 2017, 12:30 am

Don't take it too seriously when people on the internet are "offended," as long as you're not actually being a jerk.


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31 Dec 2017, 12:33 am

FunkyPunky wrote:
Onyxaxe wrote:
FunkyPunky wrote:
Ashariel wrote:
And I agree that 'PC' and 'SJW' extremists can sometimes go too far. But personally I think women who are facing a life-threatening illness deserve more respect. It comes across as if their lives are only worth saving insofar as they continue to be worthy sex objects, for the ultimate benefit of men.

I also disagree that women lose out, if charities with offensive names are shut down. (Would we care if Autism Speaks got axed?) If people want to donate toward breast cancer treatment, they can choose an organization that treats women as human beings, worthy of dignity and respect.

That's you putting words into other peoples mouths. IE offending yourself. What does breast cancer effect? The breasts aka "boobies". Nobody mentioned sex or having a "benefit to the man" that's all you adding to what people actually said because you didn't use words that you approved of.

Autism doesn't kill people. Cancer does. Need I say more?

Like I mentioned earlier breast cancer does not only affect the breasts.

True but since it's called "breast cancer" and not "breast and a few of the surrounding body parts cancer" I don't blame them for focusing on the breast part lol

I guess the answer you're looking for is this:

People get carried away on either side of the board. The offenders are wrong for sexualizing a disease, but society is wrong for only caring about boobies instead of breasts. Everyone can get breast cancer, male, female and anyone in between. Breasts are not boobs.

The offended are wrong to chew you out and call you names because you don't get it. They lack pragmatism, and are only chewing you out to make themselves feel better.

On an end note. Both parties are wrong. Charities usually only give 10% of what they make off of hyper sexualized cheap sweatshop made s**t. Activists are using their keyboards instead of pen and paper to b***h about it. There you go.


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31 Dec 2017, 12:47 am

I've seen those shirts, and I've only seen women wearing them, not men. *shrugs*

I can see how one could take offense to it, but to get down to the original topic at hand, yes, SJWs and others who are easily offended are getting bigger, louder, more ignorant, and harder to ignore.

I guess they figure since the people who should be offended are not offended, someone else has to take the bullet, and they will gladly step up and volunteer to be that martyr. Thank you for your selfless sacrifice :roll:

(let's see how long it takes for me to regret posting this)

I'll brave the storm to come, for it surely looks like rain...


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31 Dec 2017, 10:33 am

SabbraCadabra wrote:
(let's see how long it takes for me to regret posting this)

Hehe - no, I'm actually learning a lot from this. And I apologize for being the idiot who didn't understand this topic... I have poor Theory of Mind, and to me, 'Save Second Base' was the part that made it seem all about a man's ego and bragging rights, and treated women as a sexual conquest rather than a human being.

But like I said... I have poor Theory of Mind. It's normal for me to be the 'odd man out', and not understand how the majority feels. But when I realize I'm in the extreme minority, it's obvious that I'm the one who's being weird and different, and breaking unwritten social rules that I don't understand.

So for that, I'm sorry. It wasn't my intention to be annoying, or cause drama. I just have 'social blindness', and it takes me longer to understand how other people feel, and realize when I'm way off base.

Please accept my apology.


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31 Dec 2017, 10:31 pm

Ashariel wrote:
Hehe - no, I'm actually learning a lot from this.

Sorry, I wasn't referring to you. I actually wasn't referring to anyone on this forum that I know of...this is one place on the Internet where you don't typically see people getting offended over nothing (or maybe I just don't open my eyes wide enough).

I see it a lot on social media...you'll see "your friend commented on this post" and it's some big argument between people who don't even know each other from some article or meme that someone else shared :roll: And most of the time it's fake news, so they're arguing over something that doesn't even exist!! >_<

I'll brave the storm to come, for it surely looks like rain...


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01 Jan 2018, 4:20 am

SabbraCadabra wrote:
I've seen those shirts, and I've only seen women wearing them, not men. *shrugs*

I can see how one could take offense to it, but to get down to the original topic at hand, yes, SJWs and others who are easily offended are getting bigger, louder, more ignorant, and harder to ignore.

I guess they figure since the people who should be offended are not offended, someone else has to take the bullet, and they will gladly step up and volunteer to be that martyr. Thank you for your selfless sacrifice :roll:

(let's see how long it takes for me to regret posting this)

I guess it depends on where you live. I haven't seen anyone wearing the shirts in my neck of the woods. I see save the boobies and crap in local skateshops though. You know, the shops filled with ignorant prepubescent boys. The pink pins are popular around here instead. I live in a liberal area. That may have more to do with it than I thought.