Male incels hating on autistic female incels like me
I know the incel community is toxic but I made some videos on youtube about being a true incel til age 24 and still being a technical incel and chronically socially isolated lacking love relationship completely in my life and immediately got spew of accusations that I'm not an incel and misogynist statistics...
What is up with guys who maybe are actual virgins but then say, a female like me who was a complete virgin and knows what it's like to be that tormented and waste the prime of my youth not having relationships, and even manipulated as a virgin by psychopathic sex predators still wasting the prime of my youth and potential for happiness... Only to be taken advantage of by dating site sex predators (who are even garbage tier guys, not even average looking but below average looking, non white guys) one or a few times and then abandoned... And not even have the "real" sex experience these male incels think I've had...
Yeah I've been out with guys, I was treated like a toy to be tried on barely and then abandoned...
And I still can't get a real love relationship with a guy...
A decent guy a few months ago was interested in me but seems to have lost interest in me... Maybe I pushed him away somehow... I do not know why guys constantly lose interest in me... I do not know why no decent man in this world takes interest in me or pursues me....
Never had the great sex consistent relationship male truecels accuse me of having...
Men seem to see me and sense that I have serious emotional problems and don't even try with me...
Then I have to settle for online chatroom or dating site one or a few time meetups with completely awful guys who turn out to wanna try me on and abandon me.... Gross
It's so misogynistic and hateful..
Maybe male incels since they're so exclusive in their men's only club, they should just f**k each other up the butt so they won't be truecels anymore.
I can't speak for others, but I will just give you my own attitude. When I see female incels, the question pops into my head "so why doesn't any of the female incels date me? It would have solved both of our problems if they did. So apparently I am so repulsive and unattractive that even the most desperate women don't want to date me", and this thought, of course, would lead to resentment.
I don’t think being involuntarily celibate means ones desperate, I’m not desperate.
I won’t and can’t go have sex with just any woman to be not celibate<— that’s desperate. Willing to be with anyone even if you don’t find them attractive or like them just so you can have sex.
No thanks
I’m too emotional connected to sex to do that and I don’t want to hurt women.
I don’t think being involuntarily celibate means ones desperate, I’m not desperate.
I won’t and can’t go have sex with just any woman to be not celibate<— that’s desperate. Willing to be with anyone even if you don’t find them attractive or like them just so you can have sex.
No thanks
I’m too emotional connected to sex to do that and I don’t want to hurt women.
I noticed you were using the word "sex". Then we are talking about different things. As a Christian, I don't believe in sex before marriage. What I am desperate for, is emotional validation. This is far more important than sex.
Even from a completely secular viewpoint, I just don't get why some men are desperate for sex, it is just a sensory experience, its like making your whole life revolve around wanting a particular brand of chocolate. And I feel like they have ruined it for me: since so many men just want sex (since they have nothing better to do with their life) my real emotional needs for validation don't get met.
On the other hand, the need for female attention and emotinonal validation is far more important than that, and yes I am desperate to get that kind of validation.
^ so your voluntarily celibate or volcel
I just want to be loved and have sex and love back and give sex. I want companionship. I don’t see being validated. I don’t care that others see me low for being single that’s not why I want a relationship. All that matters if if just one woman loved me and I her.
I threw out the no sex before marriage years ago. That was a naive pipe dream of naive 15 year old who thought he’d be successful and married by 24
Hey thanks for the replies and btw my posts are kinda negative I need to work on that...
From a female perspective, also having a hormonal disorder I can understand where male incels are getting with needing sex... Personally having the PCOS disorder I have makes a strong urge inside many times through out the day which gets so strong that it's hard to think about anything else when the urge arises... lol... Like it totally clouds my brain and even makes me physically sick in my stomach until I can dissipate the urge somehow... And sometimes going outside for a walk helps with that but I do sometimes get stuck in a loop wanting to relieve the urge when people are around and so then I just can't do it...And so having a romantic partner to live with in a place exclusive to each other would help that immensely....Sorry that was TMI... And so btw because of my PCOS urges yeah I ended up settling for really garbage guys but quickly realized it wasn't worth it... And yet I'm in a perpetual state thinking I wish I could meet a good guy and fall in love and then have sex...
BTW... I think oxytocin is important and also having relatinships and exploring relationships starting from a young age, something I didn't do... It helps with brain development...
......idk if I can explain more than just that, I met a guy a long time ago and there was a flirting situation for a long period of time on a day to day basis, and that emotional connection to that person just by touch, pheremones, emotional, etc helped my brain development and development as a person immensely.... I can't explain it though sadly it was never more than that heh
As far as sex before marriage I do have a pipe dream about falling in love and having an exclusive relationship from a young age, but this society is messed up and people seem to end up not getting along anymore in their relationships for some reason or they think they can get somebody better or their needs aren't being met so they cheat etc....
Ideally in a utopia if I were to fall in love with a guy and the connection is deep, well I mean sex is fine so long as marriage is the eventual future
Most male incels in the world are probably too busy with their incel lives to know there’s a so-called incel community online, let alone to hate female incels, which they’re unlikely to know any of.
The red lake has been forgotten. A dust devil stuns you long enough to shroud forever those last shards of wisdom. The breeze rocking this forlorn wasteland whispers in your ears, “Não resta mais que uma sombra”.
From a female perspective, also having a hormonal disorder I can understand where male incels are getting with needing sex... Personally having the PCOS disorder I have makes a strong urge inside many times through out the day which gets so strong that it's hard to think about anything else when the urge arises... lol... Like it totally clouds my brain and even makes me physically sick in my stomach until I can dissipate the urge somehow... And sometimes going outside for a walk helps with that but I do sometimes get stuck in a loop wanting to relieve the urge when people are around and so then I just can't do it...And so having a romantic partner to live with in a place exclusive to each other would help that immensely....Sorry that was TMI... And so btw because of my PCOS urges yeah I ended up settling for really garbage guys but quickly realized it wasn't worth it... And yet I'm in a perpetual state thinking I wish I could meet a good guy and fall in love and then have sex...
BTW... I think oxytocin is important and also having relatinships and exploring relationships starting from a young age, something I didn't do... It helps with brain development...
......idk if I can explain more than just that, I met a guy a long time ago and there was a flirting situation for a long period of time on a day to day basis, and that emotional connection to that person just by touch, pheremones, emotional, etc helped my brain development and development as a person immensely.... I can't explain it though sadly it was never more than that heh
As far as sex before marriage I do have a pipe dream about falling in love and having an exclusive relationship from a young age, but this society is messed up and people seem to end up not getting along anymore in their relationships for some reason or they think they can get somebody better or their needs aren't being met so they cheat etc....
Ideally in a utopia if I were to fall in love with a guy and the connection is deep, well I mean sex is fine so long as marriage is the eventual future
I know this is off topic, but I am just curious about it from scientific point of view. I never heard before that PCOS is linked to increase in sex drive. Is there any biological explanation about it?
I mean, since the purpose of sex is reproduction, in the cases where PCOS causes infertility the act of sex would become pointless -- which would seem to suggest sex drive would go down, not up.
On the other hand, there are women with PCOS that are still fertile but have a very low probability of any given sex act to produce offsprings. So in those cases it would, in fact, be logical for sex drive to go up: since the probability of any given sex act to be successful is so low, you better keep trying over and over and over in order for one of those attempts to, in fact, produce an offspring. So is this your situation? Is this the reason your sex drive is high?
Or are you saying it is neither of the above but, instead, due to the hormones being unstable the body simply gets confused, which means that it can hit both extremes of low and high sex drive; you are simply saying that the times when it hits low extreme are easy to manage (obviously) while the times it hits high extreme is when it presents a problem?
Once again, you are focusing on sex and I am focusing on the emotional part. You are telling me that I made "voluntary" choice not to have sex. And I am telling you that I am "involuntarily" isolated from the emotional support coming from the female. Both statements are true. I am complaining about the second part.
I see what you are saying that emotional and physical can go hand in hand. But, for me, the physical aspect doesn't have to be sex: it can be cuddling and hand holding, and thats what I miss -- along with emotional part of it.
You are assuming a dichotomy between approval of the one woman you are with and an approval of society around. It doesn't have to be either/or, it can be both. I had three relationships. I can tell you that in the second relationship -- where the woman was living in the same town as me -- I did, in fact, feel like I didn't care what other people think as long as she loves me (which right now I regret: I wish I were to take her to my bible studies to show others I am not a loser, but I didn't think about it back then); on the other hand, in case of third girlfriend that I had, which was long distance (and I mean REALLY long distance: I was doing postdoc in India at the time and she was in the US) she only took care of my self esteem during the first few months of a relationship and, after that, I started to again obsess about what others think (despite the fact that I was still in a relationship with her). So, the bottom line is that the exact formula of how much my self esteem is affected by a woman I am with and how much it is affected by what other think depends on a specific situation. But, regardless, it is a formula, its not either/or thing,
I am 38 right now and still not married. I don't regret my choice of not having sex, though. My main worry is the prospect of finding a woman at that late age. I still want to marry and have children, but I am wondering if people assume I am undatable due to my age and single status.
Involuntarily celibate is only about sex.
One could lack the emotional stuff you like want and have lots of sex.
If you don’t desire sex then how could you be involuntarily sexless ?
I’m not questioning your involuntarily relationshipless isolation just the word use.
Example an asexual person who never wants to have sex but wants relationship and can’t get one isn’t involuntarily celibate but is single and isolated not by choice. Only when you want sex and can’t get it are you involuntarily celibate since celibacy is about sex. There are couples and even marriages where they are celibate.
I’m aspie and just pointing out the improper word use. Like calling a dog a cat.
Honesty as a 30 year old with no relationship status I have to unfortunately say from what I’ve seen yes men over 25 with no relationship experience are seen as red flag and undatable. The whole why didn’t any date them why are they still single at such a late age etc it’s the there must be something serious bad about them logic.
They don’t seem to stop and think maybe he’s just shy. Though in my case they right and it’s obvious as I don’t have a good job.
It’s both men and women who say this stuff by the way.
They don’t seem to stop and think maybe he’s just shy.
Or maybe its people LIKE THEM that keeps that person single. Did THAT ever occur to them? That if everyone thinks the same thing they do, THAT would keep the person single making it into self-fulfilling prophecy?!
And then, in order to shoot me down gently, they say "who cares that you are single just be happy with yourself". Well, how the f**k am I supposed to be happy with myself if people are making those kinds of assumptions about me?! Don't they think that is a very good reason right there for me to want a relationship? And no, that doesn't mean I want to use someone. I can want relationship for multiple reasons, so all the other reasons for the relationship (such as wanting emotional connection independently of social status) still stand; but social status is one more excellent reason for a relationship ON TOP OF other reasons.
I didn't know that...I guess that explains why one of my exes was always that way >_<
I'll brave the storm to come, for it surely looks like rain...
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