...Let's see...(1) You don't want me to have a cell phone ~ In modern times, you have to have one to be noticed, but you want mine taken away from me, I suppose

~ I keep buying the absolute cheapest smartphone model there is, the " Model T " one if it's there, but according to you I'm an international Eurotrash coke dealer in my 'Benz, yo

with the latest cellie. (2) Apparently there's a Tofu King(C) just around the corner that I refuse to go to....Etc.
rspock wrote:
envirozentinel wrote:
Until you need it yourself!
I'm not American but that's certainly the general Trump / Republican attitude. Which isolates and marginalized those members of society who can't make it on their own and depend on welfare. Never mind the motto on your Statue of Liberty.
Of course there will always be those few who abuse the system. But why should the genuine cases suffer?
The Statue of Liberty was a gift from France. I think that says it all.
From what I've seen of Assps posts, his welfare doesn't help him. He spends it on unhealthy food and comic books and cell phones.
Renal kidney failure, congestive heart failure, COPD. Can't really get up from a floor position unhelped anymore:-(.
One of the walking wounded ~ SMASHED DOWN by life and age, now prevented from even expressing myself! SOB.
" Oh, no! First you have to PROVE you deserve to go away to college! " ~ My mother, 1978 (the heyday of Andy Gibb and Player). I would still like to go.

My life destroyed by Thorazine and Mellaril - and rape - and the Psychiatric/Industrial Complex. SOB:-(! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!