Hope and Healing in The Forum
To everyone who's been or is being bullied, I offer you my sympathy, support and friendship. Rest in the hope that nobody on earth has been made like you, and nobody on this earth, past or present, can walk the path you walk. You're awesome!
I feel depressed every day of my life. Only thing that lifts the feeling is being in places like this ... and people like YOU.
Thank you!
"There once was a little molecule who dreamed of being part of the crest of a great wave..."
(From the story 'The Little Molecule' - Amazon Kindle, 2013)
I realized the best thibg fr me or how I am , is to close off completely n only maintain a formal friendliness. I can never have friends or be near ppl without being hurt or hurting them. Bullies findme wherever i go and regular ppl seem to find me offensive no matter what
Some ppl are best off asloners and there is no doubt that i am and always was such a person. So life developed on my own is best -
And the most peaceful way - as good as it will get anyway fr me/
lonely but at least no worrying about mistakes being manipulated or whatnot.
Take defeat as an urge to greater effort.
-Napoleon Hill
Does it matter if:
everyone thinks my hobbies make me a weirdo,
I can never confess to anyone who I like,
the threads on here where I try to do so get taken over by people with weird stereotypes which have nothing to do with what I'm worrying about,
I have never lived anywhere where the majority team wasn't English or Rangers,
I don't know my gender,
I don't know if I'm a good person or not,
I don't know my mental age,
I cry like a girl and whatever I am I'm not a feminine girl,
I just deleted an eg of how I asked for trouble once,
I'm a traitor,
I can't write about anything which isn't weird and I'm a writer
everyone ignores me on this,
I can't read social situations,
I think people are nice but they're not,
I've been thinking about this for hours
I could go on but you get the point about what a bad person I am.
Last edited by TUF on 26 Jan 2019, 8:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Yeah I don't mean you. And someone else reassured me before the thread got changed.
I figured out what happened today, I didn't take my meds and I have social anxiety and one of the things about my social anxiety is it makes me feel like a bad person whenever anyone reacts negatively to me. I'm so scared of hurting anyone.
Like I told you before and like you were sympathetic about, I was hurt a lot at 12-14. I can't get over that stuff. I won't tell anyone the whole story of what went on back then.
If I had made better life choices things would have turned out differently but I'm too masculine to say that, my choices were ones which make no sense to most people in the world as to why they were the wrong ones.
Then when I explain it people say 'well it's a choice to (admit you) like that team'. I have so much invested in it and they're the team who were founded to help immigrants, the team which is raising money all the time for the starving, the team that attracts leftie types who are anti war and/or anti imperialism. I actually love them. They have some bad history, I admit it hundreds don't, but so do a lot of English clubs that people support without a second thought about it because the English rivalries aren't as intense so people know when to quit the 'banter'.
If you want to know what my highbrow interests are:
I fell in love when I went to Florence. The guys who put the stuff together must have been aspie or something. It's most of the art and most things there are artistic. There's frescos on every ceiling, there's beautiful floors, every door is decorated, and this is before we get to the art and statues.
I'm also consumed by The Cave and the whole story of it, it's the scariest thing I can think of - to think your world is real and find out it isn't.
And I'm obsessed with Greek myth especially companionship Greek myth and war stories. But I can't write about them because everyone has done forever. It's the ultimate cliché.
I write about things like football rivalry, or your national footballer Timothy Weah and how he shows that nationality is complicated for some people, or crushes I have. And yes, I write about my past. I don't always write about football but I do a lot.
See, my interests are weird.
Oh yeah and to complete the stereotype? I don't want RIRA to come back and blow things up like they've started to, but I'm a Republican/Nationalist in a pacifist sense and want a United Ireland. I've always lived in Unionist areas, (I grew up in a place obsessed with this and a lot of the arguments were offensive) often in places which were anti immigration (my own anti immigration comes in in unusual places, it's anti globalised gentrification, if someone's fleeing being persecuted or just moving to a place of similar wealth to their own or coming as one individual or to help I don't mind. When the Celtic Tiger was ending and the rich French and English were all over a town in Cork I was on holiday in and nobody Irish could afford a house there, that bothered me).
If I say I want United Ireland they think I'm a terrorist sympathiser but I'm a pacifist.
I'm avoiding Brexit cos it will bother me way too much and I feel like the border is inevitable and the violence is inevitable.
Politics is too big for me to handle which is why I avoid it these days. Nothing I can do.
And all the guy said today was 'hmph' after asking what team I supported. For all I know, he was going to say that whatever the answer was.
I need to remember/internalise that not everyone is like the people I grew up around.
I feel vulnerable writing all this but it is in the healing thread so hopefully I'm not exposing too much. And I don't get why I cry over this stuff.
Thanks for sharing, this helped out quite a bit today.
Guess I qualify as an AS whippersnapper as you put it. Mind if I throw out a question for someone older and wiser - however you may dispute the latter?
I've tried about everything in my power to fake my way through NT life, and despite my success at spinning the illusion, I live in permanent anxiety of making the one misstep that belies the whole thing. Just the slightest facial tic (or lack thereof) blows my cover and the entire chain of impressions I'd been garnering up to that point, and like the others who commented, it royally sucks having to live this way.
Nothing new for you to hear there, just more of what you seem to have been doing far longer than my 26 years walking the earth. But you said in your post, that it does not get any easier with age?
The only motivation that's kept me walking over these hot NT coals in past years was that it would eventually become easier, perhaps natural. I've been starting to lose faith, even doubt that, and now what you said changes the picture further.
I really don't have any specific questions. But you're quite good at expressing yourself from what I've seen thus far, and I would just be interested in hearing you speak further about how your AS has changed or not changed over the years, especially with regard to adapting to an NT world. If you could, then anything you have to say would be of tremendous help to me, and I would appreciate every word of it.
Hello Jerry!
When I first realized I was AS it was last year. I called up a phone number of someone that posted on line. It turned out to be Roger N Meyers, a real mover and shaker of the Portland, OR Adult AS community, but at the time I didn't know to be impressed, but now I am suitably so.
I revealed to him my terror that now that I know I have a neurological condition I was horrified that other people might know, that some how my perfect shell would be shattered by a wrong word or act and they would see me revealed. To Roger's credit, he heard me out and listened to my fears of being 'discovered'. When I had spewed it all out, he disarmed me completely by telling me to not worry about all of that because if I WAS AS, they simply 'already knew.'
"Already KNEW??" was he KIDDING?? I was so careful to match peoples words, listen to their words make sure I nodded when they nodded, smiled when they smiled, laughed when they laughed. . .
"No," said Roger, "they already know internally, that you are different than them. Their own neurotypicalness can spot you a mile away, and if they don't know it immediately, they will later on, and it is nothing you can change or mask. If you could change or mask it, you wouldn't be AS. All that elaborate dance you do to try to keep it from them just puts stress on you and really distracts from any real progress in working with others."
So much for the gloom and doom of 'never fitting in", Ben. That is just your loneliness talking. If you find you are yearning to be fulfilled by social contact, consider the idea that maybe you don't feel the social fulfillment you already find. Consider for a moment that interactions and emotions other people feel from social contact do not perform the same chemical reaction (if you will) in you. It really opened my eyes when I thought about it in that way. That people WERE giving me the social inclusion and warm fuzzies and what ever else it is they get from social interaction but it was ME THAT COULDN'T PROCESS IT. So all that tippy toeing around thinking that we 'had to get it right' so we could get the pay off 'being included' was for naught, anyway.
so, I suppose my advice to you is to give yourself a break. I have found the biggest shortcut to working with NTs is to PUT THEM AT THEIR EASE AS QUICKLY AND AS OFTEN AS YOU CAN.
Lighten up around them, use gentle humor, chuckle appropriately. This relaxes them and they can take a lot of your idiosyncrasies when they know they can get your NON DEFENSIVE attention about something and you are OPEN to other opinions and ways of considering events.
So I would say work on your sense of humor, develop a grace of bowing ineveitably to what you might consider absurd about them. Learn to find your own center when the boat is rocking and be there, rather than concentrating on every dip and heave of the social give and take.
I still haven't figured out how to respond when people step on my toes. Any retaliation I can devise is usually too muscular for what they consider appropriate ( in my youth, I would just go for their eyes and I had to wear a muzzle for a while , when I was later in elementary school I was made to wear a sign for my second grade year warning "I BITE" because I did retaliate to those who teased me.) Over the years my sense of social justice is very finally tuned, my moral compass always points to 'what will impact my negative karma the least and my positive karma the most.'
If you try to 'fit in' and 'be like them' ah, Jerry, that's the struggle. If you are true to your own nature and become a 'good guest' in their world, then you relax the struggle and become welcome into their society. This gives you and them a break. As I learn, I would be honored to pass what ever I learn along.
and as for being a young whippersnapper. . as that ancient musical band of my youth, Devo, would say "snap that whip!"
your friend,
That's true they can tell you are different from them straight away. If I just vocalize my need for eating alone etc they seem to understand. Not my mom because she was just v harsh and controlling that everyone has to be one exact way but even she has mellowed now. I just think them knowing you don't mean to offend goes a long way towards bridging the gap.
They also have to be good people for that to happen so your weirdness or differences will inadvertently cause bad people to resent if you are accommodated and understood so that's the only thing to watch out for.
Take defeat as an urge to greater effort.
-Napoleon Hill
everyone thinks my hobbies make me a weirdo,
I can never confess to anyone who I like,
the threads on here where I try to do so get taken over by people with weird stereotypes which have nothing to do with what I'm worrying about,
I have never lived anywhere where the majority team wasn't English or Rangers,
I don't know my gender,
I don't know if I'm a good person or not,
I don't know my mental age,
I cry like a girl and whatever I am I'm not a feminine girl,
I just deleted an eg of how I asked for trouble once,
I'm a traitor,
I can't write about anything which isn't weird and I'm a writer
everyone ignores me on this,
I can't read social situations,
I think people are nice but they're not,
I've been thinking about this for hours
I could go on but you get the point about what a bad person I am.
You are not a bad person as you are not immoral eg not cheating others, and not intentionally inflicting pain on others. Measure yourself by that moral code and you will find you are probably superior to the previous standards you compared yourself against in that post
It's irrational and immoral to judge people's worth by their social capabilities, popularity, and likeability.
It also makes no sense. My therapist explained to me it is irrational to judge yourself by what others think or said about you. She amsaid you cannot do your best in your duties and beating yourself down is wrong and it's not a logical standard of worth.
If people do their best and are honourable towards others
they should equally be honouring themselves for their own interests and needs. If you did your best overall which you did, then the confusion misunderstandings social isolation etc is not something you can control.
You don't need to know all those things you listed.
Sorry I just don't want anyone to beat themselves up for just existing as they are.
Take defeat as an urge to greater effort.
-Napoleon Hill
This topic attracts me. I just had on my mind "if I can't find what I need, I have to create it myself".
And then I found this thread.
I notice that my nervous system is constantly looking for feeling safe among people. Also in here. It makes it hard for me to follow communication and I often compare myself, feel numb, muted, worthless and as if I wouldn't even exist.
But what really lifts me up is healing, love, freedom and ways to really experience them.
I tried my entire life to lift other people up because I felt that it was needed, worth it, wanted, expected...pure codependency.
So now it's time for myself. For the things that make me happy, connect me with myself.
I'm not born to serve everyone except myself. Doesn't work out anyway.
That's maybe the only thing I really have to say and contribute right now.
Holding on to the light is so easily obscured and belittled. Internally, externally.
And then I found this thread.
I notice that my nervous system is constantly looking for feeling safe among people. Also in here. It makes it hard for me to follow communication and I often compare myself, feel numb, muted, worthless and as if I wouldn't even exist.
But what really lifts me up is healing, love, freedom and ways to really experience them.
I tried my entire life to lift other people up because I felt that it was needed, worth it, wanted, expected...pure codependency.
So now it's time for myself. For the things that make me happy, connect me with myself.
I'm not born to serve everyone except myself. Doesn't work out anyway.
That's maybe the only thing I really have to say and contribute right now.
Holding on to the light is so easily obscured and belittled. Internally, externally.
That was quite mystical, in a good way, but I can't understand really. Do you mind explaining?
I would have substantial healing if I could ask (and get thorough honest answers, no matter how hurtful) three specific people these questions:
1. what were your motives for doing that?
2. was i annoying? a fault in me, if so what? why didn't you just tell me? did you try, and i didn't pick up on it?
3. did i harm you in any way to cause you to do that, if so, how?
4. do you regret it I.E. do you feel peaceful or agitated when thinking about it? or does it not occupy your thoughts at all?
5. do you understand my reasons for responding the way i did?
6. were you already aware of HOW i would respond, before you did those things?
7. if i tell you what i was thinking and feeling, does it change your perspective in any way, or will it remain the same?
if they could give me those answers, and perhaps be willing to understand me too,
i could forgive, let go and feel peaceful. i would also know what to fix, if i had contributed to their behaviour in any way.
Take defeat as an urge to greater effort.
-Napoleon Hill
.. It's almost 10 years since my official diagnosis.
I've started at age 14, when I had first had the guts to try and search what aspergers and autism means.
I've been in so many stages.
I've been...
A denier, a curebie, an envious child, an angry child, closed off and exclusive, staggeringly guilty, gave out all the blame and shame, been selective and conditional, had deluded and tricked myself into believing I've truly accepted when it isn't. Been through phases of arrogance and pride, of fear and anger, the depression the anxiety, the distrust and hatred...
The seperation preferences, the exclusions and self-exclusions -- then I've been inclusive, self-respecting, being aware and open, all encompassing, self-forgiving and self-loving, the realizations, of unconditional acceptance. I've read facts and info, seen evidences, debunked myths, seen stories both personal and secondhand, the scientific and unscientific, the nonmedical ways...
Had my theories, seen other else's, supported and fought in my own ways. The intellect, the body, the experiences, the emotionality, the mind, the compulsions, the inclinations and personalities, the circumstances, the spirituality... The cultures, the ways of the world both big and small.
As an insider, I had a glimpse and a taste of those who had studied, been a client of, had seen clients themselves, had known parents and the professionals and both -- the well meaning, the misguided, the malicious, the clueless...
There's still so much corners to explore, as a nonprofessional, non parent/non caretaker... Yet I'm moving on past all this.
I'm only 24.
I know one will never had enough knowledge, but am I moving too fast?
Gained Number Post Count (1).
Lose Time (n).
Lose more time here - Updates at least once a week.
I think this discussion has so much to give to all Aspergers and Autistics!
Being open and honest, letting others see one’s experiences helps so much when someone is bewildered or overwhelmed!
Thank you so much for letting us in!
Student Body President, Miskatonic University
Has anyone her experienced panic attacks?
Short version; they are EXACTLY like a heart attack, I’ve wound up in the E.R. More than once.
However, it is not your heart.
It is your emotions, your stress, you are panicking and do not know why.
Seems like I am heading for that again; I am dreading going through that.
Student Body President, Miskatonic University
I just now came across the following, on Twitter, by someone named Jeanette Yoffe:
(Graphical version here.)
She didn't say this in reference to autistic people in particular, but I would say it's applicable to us.
- Autistic in NYC - Resources and new ideas for the autistic adult community in the New York City metro area.
- Autistic peer-led groups (via text-based chat, currently) led or facilitated by members of the Autistic Peer Leadership Group.
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