Something Weird Happened

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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25 May 2021, 12:40 am

Put this in The Haven due to a very heavy reason.

I've been struggling with severe depression and schizophrenia for years now, and have been diagnosed as severely allergic to Peanuts for as long as I can remember (I was diagnosed at 2 I believe), and the combination of the two led to a very strange thought as well.

I actually attempted suicide the other day by trying to trigger my own allergy, having locked myself in my own bathroom to make sure help wouldn't save me in time, and I took some Peanut Butter and tried slathering it on my hand as well as even licking and tasting it, trying it with bread and water too.

This is what gets strange: I didn't have any reaction, when before it should've gone off the moment I even touched the Peanut Butter. Keep in mind that I was allergy tested again when I was 20 (I'm 26 now) and found to still be severely allergic, so I'm long past the point of outgrowing my allergy. In fact, the worst that happened was I was lightheaded here and there, but nothing serious ever occurred.

Is it possible that I'm simply no longer allergic or the allergy test was wrong and I should get another? Ever since that attempt, that's been what's majorly in my head. What do you all think?


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25 May 2021, 2:07 am

Do you have a psychiatrist monitoring your schizophrenia? You have to take special meds to control it.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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25 May 2021, 12:40 pm

idntonkw wrote:
Do you have a psychiatrist monitoring your schizophrenia? You have to take special meds to control it.

Gave up on those due to nothing but side effects. Instead I have a therapy dog for that and my depression that's done way better overall.

Though right now, that's the least of my worries, I'm really wanting to know if I actually somehow belatedly outgrew my peanut allergy.


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25 May 2021, 1:34 pm

There's one way to find out.....

Mountain Goat

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25 May 2021, 4:36 pm

Yes. It is known that one can outgrow allergies especially to dairy. Usually in ones mid 30's to 40's for some reason.

But if you do try a nut product again, go very very easy. Only try a little bit to test now and then if you decide to. We don't want you to have any bad effects. :) Look after yourself. You are special.

I used to be able to eat and eat and eat nuts, but I find I get the runs these days so I don't have many.

Milk. I grew up on goats milk but I had so much of it that it effected me. But by the time I hit my late 30's I found that as long as I did not overload myself with too much I was ok. Today I can have milk products without issue.

I do have another theory. In my past I have tempted fate like you but in other ways where really I should not be here had divine intervention not played a part. God saved me more then once... I am 100% convinced as there is no other way, and also the one event a co-incidence was totally unlikely... It was God.
Now I do not know if you believe that or not, but I add it as a possibility that an event which would normally have killed you did not kill you as God intervened. Do you think this happened like that?


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25 May 2021, 7:23 pm

If you’re not sure what’s going on there, why don’t you just get tested again? I’m not religious but you do seem damn lucky not to have been really messed up by that peanut butter. Maybe the universe is trying to give you a sign. 8) :heart: :heart: :heart:


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25 May 2021, 7:33 pm

I really think you should get tested for that peanut allergy again to be safe. Please take care of yourself. Remember there is still love and compassion in this world, it’s just depression can make us turn a blind eye to the fact that there’s still good in the world.