I don't have bad proprioception.
If anything, I have an excessive proprioception.
Along with vestibular sense and interoception.
Like I consciously feel my own body without a filter that I feel trapped in it.
I feel every step I took, from the friction of the textures my soles against the road to the energy transferred from my foot up to my leg and knee.
I'd likely be overwhelmed at my own breath than a concert. And if I got ill bad enough, breathing while walking will be more tiring than walking itself.
If I'm depressed because hormones, I'm depressed. There is no such thing as high functioning depression for me.
The same goes with everything else.
I strongly feel space around me. I have a constant north in particular places. I can sense walls, doors and other objects with my eyes closed even after someone else moved it.
Me with too little spoons:
Crappy short term memory.
To a point that I could (did) burn myself holding a really hot mug straight from an air fryer despite using a mitt to safely take it out of it just seconds ago.
Crappy reading comprehension.
Really. It happens so, so, often it gets annoying. Sometimes this made certain projects of mine delays for years all because I cannot word whatever word.
Crappy auditory processing.
This isn't something I always have. But so far it's bad enough to be mistaken for deaf after asking what was said repeatedly too many times.
Crappy willpower.
And just stare. And do nothing but stare. Not fall asleep, not even stim or fiddle, not even a game or a story. Just this weird internal aching that says 'I'm frayed'.
Crappy language processing.
Not very good especially during busy hours.
Crappy external perception scope (processing less and less auditory and visual processing input at the same time in real time).
It's like I'm drunk; like I have a weird tunnel vision of some sort. I would not recommend myself driving any bikes or navigate anywhere unsafe.
Will end with enough quality sleep.
Will eradicate for days long if sleep was perfect.
Better than whatever hormonal crap I've been dealing with and waiting for it to just pass for this past week.
Counting spoons will be irrelevant if it has something to do with it than not.