Silas wrote:
Bill: you need to get that anger under control before it consumes you
When I was younger, especially in my teens and 20s, I liked being despondant and miserable. I dressed in dark clothes, listend to dark music, and pulled the whole tortured-scholar/artist thing. I assumed no one understood me and that the world was a really awful place. When I did date, I dated women who were even worse than me with this stuff, and that got me nothing but more problems and misery.
Then I grew up around age 28, or at least started to. Met a nice women, got married and had kids.
The kids are my primary responsibility now, and they don't need Robert Smith from the Cure as a dad. They don't need some self-centered, immature rocker dude as a father. They need a positive, happy role-model. Both my kids are on the spectrum and it runs on both sides of our family--these kids are going to need help with socializing, and I'm not about to give them bad examples (I had all sorts of problems when I was a kid).
It is easy to fold up inside yourself and go down depression road when you have few responsibilities or projects. It is also easy to start blaming the whole world for your problems.
I dunno, I wish my dad was bit more rock and roll, sometimes. I know men in their 70s who are cooler. Grandfathers are usually cooler than dads though and uncles take the cool cake.
Positive and happy is a good thing to be. Dark clothes and dark music are good, too
My aim is to combine both.
Zombies, zombies will tear us apart...again.
Last edited by puddingmouse on 07 Jul 2011, 4:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.