These things are harsh. I still feel like I'm watching the grades and bars I'm supposed to meet sail right over my head and as my life sits still I'm falling further and further into permanent childhood territory simply because there's no way for me to rise to the occasion.
I think we're in positions where we have two options - the first is really sit back and be creative about how we make income, take every bit of potential we have at being self-sustaining and throw ourselves at that as well as making a life for ourselves in our endeavors. The other is contemplating a quick exit, and sometimes the first path when it meets enough dead ends can collapse into the second. For whatever reason I'm still here and it seems like I can see myself a absolute wreckage, a life that needs the delete key, but on the days I actually am saying "WTF, I'll do it tonight" all kinds of emotions well up that I didn't expect, its probably just my own mind, body, and billions of cells throwing up a defense my all of a sudden feeling very loved by something intangible, almost like my life itself has sentience beyond 'me' so to speak and its trying to hug me out of thinking that way - which typically has me in tears wondering how on earth it can be this hard to make a decisive stance on one's own existence when the world around us is so expedient and brass-tacks about putting us here.
Truthfully I have no idea whether things will take shape or whether I'll continue to glide down. My attitude though - it'll be what it'll be and, as before I won't rule anything out of my options either. That said I'm a bit nervous about even posting this, there's a lot here that I don't share with people and I'm sure a lot of people who'd judge me for feeling this way for what they perceive me having IRL but these kinds of things have varying mileage on internal reality for people.
Lol, sorry if that's not a lot of comfort but - I guess the best I can do as well is say I empathize and offer a bit of my own sense of things.
The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.