goodwitchy wrote:
Do you write music too?
The people I can usually carry on a somewhat normal spoken conversation with are usually musicians too.
I prefer to stay at home most of the time too, but I do leave my house. I feel safe and comfortable at home, and I can control that environment. But it's good to go outside to get sunshine when the weather allows.
I write poetry's/stories/rants all the time in my notebooks/notepads only thing that keeps me sane. I hate tv, hate games, hate everything...I just like to learn or be creative everything else feels like a waste...I started going to a philosophy club & that was a nice change of pace, next meeting we're discussing Fight Club & what kind of philosophical message it was sending. I hate small talk, intellectual conversations give my brain an orgasm, though. My mind is always somewhere else, like I don't think on the same wavelength as normal people..maybe even aspies too...I think LSD has changed me alot.