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14 Apr 2012, 7:53 pm

Hey all.

I am having too much issues on FB. One of few or many friends are ignoring me or does not care for me being on FB. I hate people sidetrack or skip my messages and that kind of stuff. Since they are my friends, as they told me they are. Why everyone always don't give a s**t about me being on FB?

I am considering to delete it sometime. Because I believe its wasting too much time on it seeing all the negativity BS and stuff. Why people the way communicate on FB has to be so cruel? Since that, I am having trouble getting more new friends in the outside world, lot of people consider me to stay on FB and try make more new friends. I don't think that is working to me. It was not my idea that joining FB in first place, it was my family back home, because I am away from home for uni those years they need my contact for free. I didn't want to join FB at all in first place because I have been attacked online multiple of times.

Other hand, why so many people on FB have too many friends? I have a few that are over 1,000. It got something to do with their social skills, they seems so popular to me. Always hang out, always have relationships, always get accepted socially, always have tagged pictures of themselves and that etc etc as you know what I mean. Its so frustrating.

My family would not like me to delete FB after my degree completion at end of this year because I will be going to US for working holiday program for a year. They won't able to contact me at all if I delete it. However, for me wanting FB to be nice to me if I stay on there. I have so many people blocking me for no reason, It always people who never understand and judge me. In comparison to those high friends listers, assuming they don't have blocked people.

The way I feel that so many people blocking me, is the wanting me to delete FB overall because I see that its so hard to make friends since my family said. They were wrong! WRONG! So, whats happening on outside world. A little struggle, very hard to get some friends to hang out with me. Its always one on one friendship at once, not really much of a group. I am feeling poor.

Sea Gull
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14 Apr 2012, 8:03 pm

Delete the profile on Facebook, it's doing you more harm than good.
The behaviour of people on Facebook is both revealing and disturbing.

Find another way of staying in touch with your family...maybe Skype.

Take care :)

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14 Apr 2012, 9:41 pm


And everything you mentioned were reasons I have refused to get a FB account. People have pressured me, but I won't cave. It can be incredibly destructive, IMO encourages a type of voyeurism, and, who knows if what people post on there is even true? Some may make things up to make themselves look better.

Enough bullying and exclusion happens IRL--why encourage it elsewhere?

As for your family needing to stay in touch--have they not heard of e-mail? That does work globally, right? (Or Skype, like ThinkTrees suggested.)

Get rid of it. You will be much better off.

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14 Apr 2012, 10:56 pm

Sweet Pea hugsImage

I also think that you should delete your Facebook profile.

The Family Enigma


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14 Apr 2012, 11:01 pm

CockneyRebel wrote:
Sweet Pea hugsImage

I also think that you should delete your Facebook profile.

In why your opinion says so?


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15 Apr 2012, 6:08 pm

I had a guy who started a fight with me and then posted a remark on his own FB to another girl saying "Do you hate me too??" I was like "I don't hate you what the heck!! !" and he turned around and was like "I never said that". He did a multitude of other things making sure I could see it and then denied it....much later told people he never spoke to me and I got everything off his facebook. He uses his facebook as a tool to communicate without telling the person first hard and I know for a fact that I am not the only one who has said something about it to him.

I removed a lot of people on there and rarely go on...I dont need internet BS...its hard enough in person


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15 Apr 2012, 7:25 pm

I had a talk to one of friend here at my village on campus. He said the way he use FB as lesser extent of social tool. He uses it as a communication tool like staying in contact with people (i.e. emailing does a same role). What he believes that people use pictures, links, videos and likes, comments and tagging is one of negative method to use on FB because it show much of competitiveness between people. The competitiveness between people usually coincide with 'number of friends', 'number of likes and comments' and related schemes. I believe this is bad thing. I have not updated my status or anything since last Thursday, I only have one additional wall post that was sent to me last night. The message was praising me to do right thing/being thanked for (which I did the dishes here in our dorm for everyone). This is good example of positivism of using FB.

FB must be used as a positive outcome. Can't use it as competitiveness, mood swings and some sort of mentality behaviour. I always see people on there talk about some sexual jokes, drunken moments, bad photos of them, talking BS about news, politics and that etc. FB is way out of control. I have few friends who post statuses like 4am in morning after she has been drinking with her friends and family. This is bad sign. Bad attitude, negativity consequence and lack of respect.

In other hand, in brightside, I have more friends on list who does not really post much at all on FB. They use as communication tool rather than profiling, constant updates and that kind of BS.

So, I keep FB now. Just check messages thats all. I find Skype as more relevant tool. So I leave Skype on all day.

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15 Apr 2012, 8:17 pm

As long as you don't let it bring you down, and you always know you are free to choose, not pressured by others to be there...
The positive attitude & realistic use is great, turning the power back to you :)

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16 Apr 2012, 12:08 am

Well yes thats what I thought. Using text messages (mobile phones) and video calls via Skype is much happier option.

I only see FB as an anger place. Because it is revealing and disturbing if seeing most of people being on there is quite immature.


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16 Apr 2012, 9:31 pm

I have FB but I ignore much of what goes on there. I only use it to keep in touch with people I want to keep in touch with. The drama, I couldn't care less about.

If you can ignore the crap, keep it just to stay in touch with those you want to. If you can't ignore it, delete it because it's not worth any difficulties it's causing.


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16 Apr 2012, 9:45 pm

Thats what I thought.

I have a question. What is mean that the person who is a friend that does not reply my message/link/photo/video on their wall (they are all effetely appropriate) before someone else get their reply on same wall after my wall post?

I mean if I posted at 7am Wednesday, then another person get posted after me at 5pm on same day. This person get a response and not me. Its so annoying that I always get skipped or sidetracked of my posts. I don't post very often to be honest. None of them are offensive. Even in comparison to those wall posts include sexual jokes still get a response. It seems more likely if I posted on their wall of sexual joke going to be deleted.

It seems troubling here of what FB seems rather competitive social environment. Showing off who is better. I believe most aspies are not dominated in this case. Its sad for those NT's are leaving us out.


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16 Apr 2012, 9:56 pm

AussieMatty wrote:
FB seems rather competitive social environment. Showing off who is better.

Which is yet another reason I don't use it. Stupid childish c**p, IMO.

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17 Apr 2012, 6:49 pm

Now what I have learnt.....the less I use FB is the more people post stuff on my wall for their curiosity. Nothing is inappropriate. I mean people start to stick by me while I have been not using so much. Is this good sign?

I haven't been depressed for more than two weeks now, after taking those super foods, supplements, eating right foods and plenty water. I believe my lifestyle has been improved.


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17 Apr 2012, 7:38 pm

People are taking Facebook waaaaaaaaaaaay too seriously.

Back in college I was part of this student organization where we had our own forum and the drama there was bad enough. I quit Facebook because it was getting more and more ridiculous and not to mention unsettling. Knowing how much Facebook drama is becoming mainstream these days, I don't regret the decision. I'm at an age where I don't need socializing to survive and old enough to know that social networking can get very messed up which is why I avoid contributing to drama. And on Facebook, your name and face are out there in front of the whole planet. You don't want to get into unpopular fights or debates with all that personal info exposed, do you?


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18 Apr 2012, 6:28 am

Yea people like complain and put up stupid jokes. Yet they still get so many likes and comments about that. If I were that person, I would have no likes at all. Since people the way they approach to me as NT vs to aspie.

Its bloody ridiculous. So yea today I had status up about my US working holiday interview offer. Got 13 likes so far, out of 370 friends. I see other person got 26 likes out of 250 friends with that status is more of stupid and competitive.

Why FB has to be so irony? I believe aspie life does not work like that. They make a huge deal. NT's see us creepy so easily over FB. They have stuttering way of conversations. This is BS.

On the brightside, since haven't had a status for a week until today, got three additional wall posts in between. So, as I had updated my statuses and that everyday, there was no1 posting on my wall. So why this made a difference?

Sea Gull
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18 Apr 2012, 6:36 am

Maybe they are checking your pulse?

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