kraftiekortie wrote:
...If an abject Nazi, or a Stalinist, posts here, then I'll start worrying.
Hehe. I agree. Makes me wonder if there can even be a less-than-abject Nazi or Stalinist.
Reminds me of a Woody Allen joke in his early stand-up comedy years: "We were married by a Reform rabbi in Long Island. A
very Reform rabbi. A Nazi." Side note: Are there many Reform rabbis in L.I.?
I believe that it is difficult at best to change the opinions of the mainstream of American society without its consent. Matters such as fascism and totalitarianism are currently proposed by those who find a silver lining within those beliefs (certain "think tanks" and other government camp followers). The majority doesn't, but sees the risks and avoids joining in. Much of political activity these days includes throwing out crazy ideas and hoping something sticks. And, I am amazed at the political "celebrities" who openly support such ideas.
While we should always keep an eye on such things, my money is still on those Americans who see nothing to gain from such bizarre and outdated ideas.