This is my roommate’s bedroom. Now that I have your attention, here’s what’s going on with my roommate and me.
I have known the person who is my roommate since I began high school in 2010. We are both 27. He is the only friend I have left. A few years after graduating college in 2018, I lived alone in another state, where my mom lives. I wanted to move back to Missouri, where I went to high school and college, and live with my friend. We got an apartment together in April 2022, and I thought everything would go swimmingly.
Unfortuantely, I did not realize that living with him would be such an ordeal. He is a massive slob, as you can see in the picture, and I believe he is causing our apartment to have bugs. His room has reached a point where he no longer sleeps on his bed; he sleeps on the futon in the living room and has done so for several months. I have asked him repeatedly to clean his room and go back to sleeping in it. He has repeatedly responded that he will do that. As you can see, he hasn’t.
I would like to go back to living on my own, but the issue is that he would have nowhere to go. Almost everyone in his family is dead; his nearest relative is an aunt who lives about an hour away, and he doesn’t have a good relationship with her. He doesn’t make much money, either; his primary job is as a substitute teacher, and he also works at a game store on Sundays. After his aunt whom he lived with died in December 2021, he had to live in his mobile home by himself, which cost $350 a month. He was able to handle that rent, but he would not be able to afford the $720 rent we pay for this two-bedroom apartment by himself.
Despite all this, I bit the bullet last week and told him I was moving out. He was shocked. He bargained with me, asking if there was anything he could do to salvage the living situation. I said he needed to clean his room and stop sleeping on the futon and making a mess of the living room as well. So he promised he would, and he asked me to leave the apartment on Saturday while he did it. He said it was because he was self-conscious about cleaning.
I left the apartment yesterday as he requested. I went to my dad’s house and stayed there for about four hours. I sent him a message a few hours in, asking him how the cleaning was coming along. He said it was going well. So I came home, and after he left for work today, I peeked inside his room. He barely did anything.
I can’t take this anymore. He does provide some value as a roommate: He drives me places if we’re going out of town because I’m a terrible driver, and he cooks things on occasion, which I can’t do because of severe sensory issues with food. But the negatives outweigh the positives, and I want out. But since my roommate can’t afford to live on his own and said he needs a roommate or else he gets lonely, I’m stuck living here and acting like a parent to him, constantly telling him to clean his room.
I want to remain friends with him because I have nobody else, and that’s why I’ve only really been stern with him once, which was when I said I would move out. I told him at the time that I still wanted to be friends, and he said that we could still be friends if I moved out, but I’m afraid if I push this any further and deliver some sort of ultimatum, it will irreparably damage the friendship. He was already hurt when I blindsided him with my first threat to move out.
I don’t know what to do.