id say about 3 or 2, accidnetally signed a sales contract for verizon. they dtold me ohh it was just a placemark so you wont be chareged if you decide to buy in 3 years from now
grrr if god meant for me to be disalbed, why just why did he have to give me aspergers?? i feel aspies are more suspeptible to scams and hoaxes and im sick of it, if god meant for me to be disabled why not blind or deaf or mute or even paralysed, each time i do anything anymore, its always wrong or hard way
so right now i feel ticked off at MYSELF for actually falling into such a suspected scam, verizon has no knowladge about the door to door offers for a pre order as in reservation for free so i wont be charge 1000+ if i order after 3 years when they will cahrge for the isntallation of a fibor optic line just for tv
i think of myself at this point as one of them people who need 24/7 supervision in some group home. i really dont want to wind up that way
the only thing good today was finally eating at a fancy restaurant(not a mcd's or wendys) its were u sait in line to be for a waiter to seat you at a table and out of all places to be seated, i was seated next to a door with a gold plated door closer
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