ASS-P's response to " amputation " post .

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26 Feb 2015, 9:44 pm

...There may be only one " all comers , including solo males " , the National Guard Armory winter-ish season shelter , with all the charm that provence implies 8) ...........I'm glad I have the option to go , but I'll even point out that , at the very minimum , using it means 14-16 or so hours taken up , from taking the last bus to the HL center from which you bus from it to the shelter , and getting up early to have some lengthy waiting time at the HL center the next morning before the buses start , I do believe :( ...........Another bit of actually ACCOMPLUISHED violence when i was in the jug was when a (Perceived , anyway) slight disagreement with a guard ~ CO ~ led to him frogmarching me to a solitary " cell " for a bit ~ Not really a full-fleged " cell "/" the hole " , a little " confrence spot " off the main hall was where it was , I was there maybe 20 minutes?? ~ What was I supposed to do ??? Resist him , and get a considerably less gentle frogmarch to , perhaps , a " real " cell for a longer period of time ?
I guess it was a little " real " jail authenticity ! :)
Obviously , he had the legal right to do it to me , so :? ...........
He was an okay guy , basically , actually .


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27 Feb 2015, 6:47 pm

...The point of what IO was saying is that:
Having failed at getting some medical care/respite/r&r where I could try to be off my foot some , and generally recover from the operation , and me being forced out of medical care immediately after the " heavy " part of ther operation/immediate afterm,ath was over , leaving my feet to get worse , not better ~ Jailhouse idleness in combination with at least minimal pills/bandaging , which I received in jail during Apr./May '13 , which got my (pre-amputation :cry: ) feet somewhat better at the time (going back downhill after I left then :( , but anyway) --- Perhaps a repeat of this might at least heal the open wound I again have , because of having been forced out by the Seattle-area hiospitakl after the " heavy " part was over and denied " learn to walk again " care :cry: .
Jailhouse idleness might not do much for the " walking again " part , but it might help heal the wound :( .
Perhaps my record got me denied the post-" heavy " care , though I was very much consious of needing it BEFORE I had the operation , and expressed it to everyone , really , and was told I would get it (Or , " they would try " :( .) ~ However , I am just a piece of homeless s**t and Almighty God/Doctor-Complex hospitals need not do anything for me :cry: .
I'm not a cute " Aspie kid " with a couch to go play X-Box on , either :cry: .
I don't know if it wouldn't be too obvious that I was trying for , such as it might be , medical care to the SC " justice " folks anyhow :( .


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27 Feb 2015, 7:29 pm

Are you still thinking about going back to college?

I hope this is, at least, on your "back burner."

I know all you're thinking about is survival. I don't blame you. That's all I'd think about, too, where I in your situation.

Have you found a locker for your "ball and chain?"


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27 Feb 2015, 7:44 pm

...First , before I get into the really " serious " stuff , can you find me that (language games) " Funny False Friends " post , I have less than 20 minutes left , the Search function DOESN'T WORK !
I should mention that I have appointed a WP friend as my heir ~ If I die , to get my very few possessions ~ No , I'm not planning to die anytime soon , but , certainly in my condition , I could " wake up dead " one morning :( .
I want , briefly , for one , to keep sh***y relatives oif mine , while stoile from me , as well as refusing to help me , from getting them .
I'd like to go to college (Full , liberal-arts , residential " uni " ~ Yes , I acknowledge that I'd likely have to " pay my dues " with Night School , Etc. - NSE - first , ~ Just like my mother , in 1978 , telling me " Oh , no ! First you have to prove you DESERVE to go away to college ! " I never did :cry: . I still can cry over it , and remember it like it was yesterday .)
It would likely be INCREDIBLY convoluted just to apply , and there's umpteen complications ~ I have some help but I could use MUCH more :( .)...I suppose it's poissible my record might make me a " no-no " for some , though , actually , I had thought I'd get some " being oppressed " cred .


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27 Feb 2015, 7:47 pm

...No . No locker .
It is easier to get (one-night) shelter than a locker :cry: .


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28 Feb 2015, 7:52 pm

...It rained lightly last night .
I have a trap , but :( ...
The possibility of stronger rain sure seems to exist tonight ! !! !! :( ...
I will try sleeping at7 the relatively few Main Street store enclaves , if so .
I ws REALLY time-pressed this day :( ...


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28 Feb 2015, 8:43 pm

What's a "trap"?

I hope it doesn't rain too hard tonight.


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01 Mar 2015, 6:20 pm

...Uh , a tarp ~ I spid doonerize , but you couldn't get that ?
I was woken , downtown in that enclave instead of the near-the-river , above the downtown , area I usually sleep in , by a woman ncop , who friendlily gave me another infraction ticket (Calling for me to go to court ~ " regular " court , not traffic court ~ within the next 30) , maybe just my 2nd dince returning .
I had said that , if I tried to do a going-to-jail situation , I'd maybe be refusing/something when getting a ticket and also say I wasn't going to move , I wanted some sun ~ The sun situation would be at the n-t-r area , so maybe there's a reason to not do it downtown .
If I was aiming to be kept in the hoosegow I guess I'd have to play up some
" since you have citations/summons for me dating back to 2013, (this paralelling the whole way my going back to jail started going in the first place , in 2013 , with summonses for not-shown-up-for hearings follwing me to San Jose at that time* despite the court having indicated/LIED ! !! !! !! !! to me at the time of the initial Jan.2013 court hearing by claiming that there were no more tickets against me in the hopper) , I just want to do all my accumulated tickets/citations/whatever in one case , now , in 2014 and I don't care if I have to stay here til' you get your act together and pitch them all at me " argument to be kept in jail , not really emphasizing the medical desire ~ as well as , initially , some tear up the ticket?? refuse to sign it?? and say " You knjow Iain't showing up " , etc. , concept?? :roll: :?:


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02 Mar 2015, 8:36 pm

...I was REALLY starting to feel pain/stran in my lower back , no doubt all the lugging the ol' ball & chain :( last night , I was rather worried about " Could this be permanent ? " :cry: ~ After sleep in my usual sleeping area I felt better , but then I got up again , as well as putting my bared feet in my Chaco hiking sandals , some back & pain feeling now :cry: .
I was roused at that sleeping spot by the same lady cop as the previous day , she was fairly nice , actually , after she left ,, I went back to lie down and got more sleep , waking finally?? 1:00-ish??
Where I normally sleep is a " planters' box " area , bigger than that sounds but inbetween a road by the upper end of business stuff and the riverside walking/bicyling area , there's grass in it ~ And , if it's sunny , sun shines down on you in the daytime , my main reason for going there , so I may get some warmth on my body in the day to offset the night's cold , I don't want the " chill " in my body :cry: . I suppose a police person (There's park rangers with less power who sometimes roust me/can call the ticketing-arresting power po-po :P .)) coming can just be based on chance as well as the " people called/were worried " that I sometimes feel .
If I set up a being arrested situation , anyway , maybe it would be better to have more contemporary tickets , and , I do want to get some more things done when my largest , : beginning of the month " SSI/D do$h comes tom'w (I get it broken up in by-the-week chunks .)...........


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02 Mar 2015, 9:51 pm

...I wanted to be claen/more " together " when arrested , at least clean , and have done some beginning-of-month stuff...Perhaps you will say I " shoud " go too the loocal hospital for one last attempt at being admitted , but I think they " see through me " a bit by now , and getting there - & back - can be a trouble .
What do you want me to do ????? :( :?


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03 Mar 2015, 12:51 am

Do they have showers at that drop-in center, or washing machines?

You once said you see movies---any good ones?


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03 Mar 2015, 9:13 pm

...I recently saw the 2105 ACADEMY AWARDS ANIMATED SHORT SUBJECTS program , as I have most/all years .
I posted about it in Films , to no reply yet :( .


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03 Mar 2015, 9:33 pm

...To-day , the same female cop woke and ticketed me in the planter box area , I did sleep some more ~ My first money had come , I finally left downtown to get to the HL center and ~ I thought ~ shower and wash and deal with my VERY ! itchy torso ~ :( ~ I couldn't get any done , I couldn't get seen at length , and I discovered that I have not only rash/whatever , but physical bug/infestation ~ The HL medical place (Across the parking lot from the HL center , the medical place not being shut over by a gate , where now you have to be let in , once you're sighned in ~ It's not fully set up to be fully " show your I.D. " yet , they were speaking of fencing it before mI left SC in 2014 now I come back and it's done :-( ~ Someone said they were putting barbed wire atop the back fence , but I suppose that's a joke ? :-- - The guy I was breifly seen by at the medical said come back early tom'w , assuming I'd go to the Armory center , howevs , not having been here 2day yet :P , I came down...Perhaps I will try the hospital one last time , then , if not admitted , see IF I can get anything from the HL medical tom'w (Someone suggested I could mebbe " get an inn room for a couple days " , I'll likely come back later t, early afternoon after this , then , maybe , if nothing happens , " try to be arrested Thrsday ?


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03 Mar 2015, 9:39 pm

...I had planned to do at least brief laundry/shower at the HL center , couldn't :( - I had bought 2 Sally t-shirts , and a new " put a tie on for church " long-sleeved , winded up throwing out my dirtier/more dishevveled Ts and the last tie one , so it might be colder if I'm out tonite :( ..........I've mentioned how cold it can get at nite , ain't I ? :?


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04 Mar 2015, 9:30 pm's usually down in the 40's at night there.

I know how it feels to wear clean clothes after you've had dirty clothes.

You have to get that "infestation" taken care of.

I hope you get some treatment at the hospital, and that the trip was worth it.


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05 Mar 2015, 8:46 pm

...I guess I didn't say that the local hospital did barely anything for me , when I left was particularly nasty to me , did very little for me while I was there ~ They didn't even bandage my exposed toe wound ! !! !! !! !! :( It was all " here's some perscriptions " and " go to (a certain) clinic " ~ They may have even said , through the guards , as I left , " You'll be arrested if you're back on our property again " , they MAY have added " unless you're here for medical "...But that's what I , though getting very little of it , was there for ! !! !! !! !! :(
I suppose , basically , they're off my list now :( ...........