dear momma
i know you say that i can't possibly have this "disease" called asperger's. you say i am just someone with a very high IQ that simply doesn't understand stupid people. umm momma. you just defined a symptom of asperger's. you say that "these people" are "dysfunctional" because of their issues, well momma, LOOK at ME. This IQ of mine isn't helping very much when I am in my 5th year of college and haven't graduated yet. you say that i like dealing with one person at a time and get overwhelmed when dealing with a group of people. you say that i have to stick to a strict schedule or series of rituals, and i don't. therefore i can't possibly have asperger's can i? no i guess not.
I am just imagining my sensitivity to tags, scratchy fabrics, and flourescent lights. I am just imagining that i find myself in the middle of a conversation with someone and they just edge away from me and i realize afterward that they had no interest at all of talking to me and I DID NOT NOTICE. so you can just go imagining that you have your perfect child, like you have my entire life, and I can go back to not telling you the things that hurt, including this letter.
and ritual? my ritual is change, you made sure of that momma, while i was growing up. we lived in 21 places by the time i was 21. when was i supposed to set a schedule?
because, you see, the more i research asperger's, the more i look back on my childhood, the more i go, she knew, or she at least suspected. you are an RN momma. you are the one that bought me my collection of used matchbox cars. you are the one that took down my wall of twist ties, you are the one that got rid of binkie, you are the one that when you came home and found me standing in the rain watching the trees sway would bring me back in and dry me off. i actually remember spinning around and around as a child. and you would have been fresh out of nursing school at the time i would have been doing that. (and you didn't even have to look up the name asperger's when i asked you about it on the phone)
i look back, you fought to have them place me on the anti-convulsant for the seizures when i was a baby. i needed help for this too. Now, i need it more than ever, I asked you to look into Asperger's, because i need you on board in order to go to a psych to Dx me and what do you tell me? you say to go to a counselor for stress and that you are coming up to help. well momma, i've been going to a counselor for stress, stress isn't the issue right now, and if you were worried about my stress levels right now you wouldn't come up to see me. because you are stressful.
i love you
your daughter