scale of -10 to +10, how do you feel right now?

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06 Oct 2008, 8:07 pm


My friend still takes a month to answer my e-mails, claiming she's busy, but will go on MySpace nearly every day.

Why can't she just e-mail me every day like she did when she and I first started corresponding?

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06 Oct 2008, 11:00 pm

5- my dad has a serious anger problem, especially while watching sports. That is all he cares about, not his family. The sports takes the whole day away and when its finally over I am asleep so no time with him. He can't just pause it for a few minutes to talk? I doubt he loves someone as fat and ugly as I am. My dad just blows up at everything and doesn't care how it affects people. All he does is complain about everything and he wants to retire with no money and he also doesn't care about living in poverty. If I will live in poverty, I will definitely KILL MYSELF!! ! I am not moving away from this beautiful house that we are in right now. It is 4,000 sq. ft. He wants to move to the smallest possible thing in the world, maybe one of those trailer homes. From being on the upper middle class all the way down to how most of my friends live, absolutely POOR! Most of my friends can't even afford a dollar when it comes time to spend it on something. I am not joking here. Not a single dollar. That is not my lifestyle. My business better succeed by the time he retires. There was a time when the economy was good in 1999 and 2000 before the crash when Bush took office that we were almost considered rich, but not quite millionaires. When Intel was $140 a share we did have over a million in stock though. Now its 16. I predicted 15 for this year and earlier it was 20 something. He is sometimes very stupid. And to make things worse, no one ever returns their e-mails or phone calls when we leave messages. How stupid are these people. We gave them enough time to respond, so I guess we have to keep on calling and NOT leave messages just call until someone answers. So, when people lie or get angry with me I just cuss them out. I treat others as they treat me. If it is bad, I will treat them badly, too. If good, then I will be nice of course. By the way LIARS GO TO HELL!! !! I am dealing with one now, I drew something for someone and they still haven't paid me. Excuses, excuses. She keeps on promising me that she will send the check but she LIES. That check better arrive soon. Or else we will keep on calling her every single day until she sends it. I do not deal with liars very well. Oh why did God create liars? I tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. When someone wants something, I follow through immediately. I don't come up with excuses. I have had at least 10 people that wanted me to draw their dogs, but not one followed through unless they are waiting until Christmas. If not, they will go to hell for lying to me. If they told the truth, I would be over $1,000 richer by now.


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07 Oct 2008, 6:34 am

(no number)

Really, really bored right now.

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07 Oct 2008, 6:43 am

I feel 7-8ish right now.


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07 Oct 2008, 10:16 am

FireBird wrote:

Hoho, then it's up to you for your business to succeed.

7. Not too bad, not too good.

Lalalalai.... I'll cut you up!


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07 Oct 2008, 12:48 pm


Tried to break up a fight and though I managed to get them to make up, I got hit for my efforts. I'm afraid more violence is to come with other people involved though.

I live in a f*****g crazy neighborhood! :evil:

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07 Oct 2008, 1:11 pm

somewhere around -5 because my mum is having a go at me because i didnt want to apply to oxford or cambridge even though some of my teachers have said that i am good enough to but i didnt want to. :( :( :(


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07 Oct 2008, 8:26 pm

10- I went to a few more stores to sell my beautiful cards and several are going to sell them. The one that was the most excited was a horse store. They bought them right away and they also want me to draw other horses. I only have 3 horse designs at this moment but have over 50 dog designs. I also went into Pet Smart and they have a charity thing that they choose an artist and I have this design in my head the hopefully will win. Then they'll probably carry my cards and they have hundreds of stores if not thousands in the US and Canada. By the time they will want my designs, I will have 100 breeds of dogs and cats. I also have reptiles, birds, and fish drawings. All together right now I have 300 designs of different kinds of animals ranging from pets to zoo animals. But say each store wants 10 of the 100 designs. That makes it 1,000 per store at 1,000 stores (possibly). That would be 1 million cards! I do have the world's largest selection and mine aren't just the mass produced junk cards you usually find at places. Mine are fine art cards. Then on top of Pet Smart, I will try to get my cards in zoos nationwide and possibly worldwide! Just the cards alone can make millions of dollars. We wholesale it for $2 a piece and retail is $4. Then there are the galleries. They want my stuff as well. Two other stores want my stuff but the owner wasn't there. The people told me based on what they saw, the owner would buy some. If the Pet Smart thing happens, I will be completely manic. I want a million dollars! And don't forget, I do commission work too. If all this happens we will have to hire people to do the production work while I draw more things that the stores want or people want. I already feel the pressure after that $500 order the other day. Then there's someone on this boards that wants me to do some artwork for him and that is great! And I will be published in Dog Fancy so maybe Petco and Pet Smart would see that and then order. Christmas is coming up and there's several stores that would order then or after Christmas. So, I am pretty happy.


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07 Oct 2008, 10:03 pm


Doing okay, everything turned out okay. No one else other than me got hurt thankfully, I wasn't hurt badly or anything though. I just got my glasses knocked off my face. But I have had a headache since. Maybe I was hit harder than I thought......

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07 Oct 2008, 10:07 pm

^That's good to hear. :) I haven't been in a fight in 10 years, and hopefully never will again.

I'm a 5 today and doing fairly well, despite the fact that my life is a total mess. :shrug:

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07 Oct 2008, 10:32 pm

-20 today because I failed in saving the world for my baby.


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08 Oct 2008, 7:15 am

(no number)

I will have a very busy day today.

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08 Oct 2008, 11:37 am


Getting ready to leave in a few minutes to see my therapist. I'm going to ask him about getting some anti-depressants! :D

Oh and by the way, I didn't get a black eye from the knuckle sandwich I got yesterday after all. :D

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08 Oct 2008, 11:58 am

-9, because of my emotional state (I want to bang my head - lucky them I can't), the fact I'm stuck, and my only hope is an upcoming trial against where I live. They KNOW they can't help me with my Aspie side, so why keep me in this stupid place?

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08 Oct 2008, 12:37 pm


I am going to be an uncle, and I bought two long-awaited DVDs this morning (South Park: Cult of Cartman, and Robot Chicken Season 3).

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08 Oct 2008, 8:12 pm


tis sucks

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