pensieve wrote:
FireBird wrote:
10- I did a speech and it was great! I spoke at the Capitol in Washington state for an autism rally. I explained that adults need services as well as children. After 18 or 21 (depending on the service) it stops after that age, leaving the autistic individual without any services. I want to be an advocate for getting services to the people who really need it. I never thought I would say this, but I love public speaking! Just a few months ago, I was scared to death about it. I never thought this was possible. And to make things better, the gift shop in the Capitol Building might want my art cards from the Famous Artist! Almost everyone who sees these cards wants them badly. The only problem is the timing. I have read that after Christmas in the winter months is the worst for an artist. That is even the worst for the zoos that we sent samples to because a lot of them (the ones where the weather is bad) are closed half the time and not many people visit so they won't order until the spring. Galleries are doing horrible and my art is doing one of the best out of all the artists at the ones that I am at. No one has the extra money for original art, but they are buying my prints and cards. But what the sad thing is that we do better by ourselves (my mom and I) selling my stuff than the galleries and stores! It is because right now my stuff is in small stores that doesn't get a lot of traffic, so its very slow for my cards to sell. People don't go into a pet store for cards, it is more like an afterthought. One of the pet stores that I am in they said that they are selling the pet food but not toys or other items. I just "love" this economy. Not!
I'd definitely buy your art if it was complied in a book, or even if you sold cards in a news agency.
I'm going to be in a book called artism anew (artism is a combination of the words autism and art) and you can visit the website and I am on the second page on their gallery page with the bird in the sunset. I am also on the autism society's website in their art exhibit with the bird on the leaf its in the top row...for now. Or you can see 300 designs on my website which is Thank you for taking interest in my art! I'm the Famous Artist!