Think I'm up to a -3; it fluctuates.
Erminea wrote:
Yes, the behind one's back thing. I totally hate that. Couldn't you say you really dislike this way they are doing things. I did, as mentioned in my previous post here, and did it so that there was no doubt I really, really meant it.
An email has been send doing just that. Still no reply. I hope they don't just bury their head in the sand. I'm not able to do it through speech, but someone else has offered to if necessary. If nothing works, then I will circumvent them (complicated situation). I hope your situation improves now you've expressed your concerns.
Erminea wrote:
Strange how people have the nerve to handle for you, without even including you. It happens quite a lot, I think and it s*cks being treated like a number or something. So impersonally and sometimes down low bad. Or wrong.
Yes. I'm perplexed. Their primary role should be to respect the client's autonomy (maybe it is).
Erminea wrote:
Hope you feel a bit better soon. Maybe some fresh air. Don't know. And although I'm not much of a hug-person(?), a little hug for you, gifted Outlier. Well meant.
Thank you. I didn't know where to put myself, so I found somewhere to go inside my mind.