-7.5 there is incredible news but if the worst happens it might not matter. You won't believe me anyways. In the Hollywood show Hugh Laurie is going to be there (he's the main character in the TV show House! I love that show) but there is one thing that is stopping this. One of my predictions came true. If it totally becomes reality I WILL KILL MYSELF NO MATTER HOW FAMOUS I GET. My mom's back surgery was a total waste and a failure. It is now infected as I had in a terrible dream before the surgery. I begged her to not have the surgery because of my dream. The dream basically went like this: Her back becomes infected and the doctors walk up to me and my brother and dad and says, "Her back is severely infected, she will probably not make it." The only thing I got wrong was the timing. I thought it would be the day of the surgery, not a week and a half later. The reason why I had that terrible nightmare is the same exact thing happened with her shoulder surgery 2 years ago. She nearly died, in fact the doctors said those lines that they didn't expect her to live. I am scared to death at this moment. Please God, don't take her away. So many good things are happening with my art, things that almost sound delusional to the outsiders. I'm with the stars now. That is how famous I am becoming but like I said before, it will mean nothing if she does not survive this infection.