-7. Having to research figures and factors in suicide for my dissertation, which as I'm easily brought down is not helping.Irony...dissertation on depression causing depression. Would help if my idea of "happy" was no longer "not immediately about to cry", no idea what real, genuine happy feels like.
Don't know how to get or even ask for help/support for me, my constant low moods and issues accepting AS. Some people (even on here) have people falling over themselves to be supportive....this pettyness is ugly I know, yet feel like if I knocked a few years off my age and described myself in terms of physical attributes things would be different....why though? Either we all matter or no-one does.
I know it's no condolence, but I do feel genuine empathy for you.
yet feel like if I knocked a few years off my age and described myself in terms of physical attributes things would be different....why though? Either we all matter or no-one does.
Sadly, that's one of the ills of humanity. I'm sixteen, so when I feel suicidal it "matters", for some crazy reason. If I pack on 100 pounds, develop severe NF-1, and denounce religion I wouldn't matter anymore. Simple. Society has a inbuilt "list" of the "important", and "unimportant", and if you don't fall into the former it's through no actual lack of virtue on your own part. For what it's worth, I think you have worth as a person
I hope you feel better soon
The scientist only imposes two things, namely truth and sincerity, imposes them upon himself and upon other scientists - Erwin Schrodinger
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