Getting close to -10.
Being exhausted and overwhelmed, as usual.
For my application to return to uni and do postgraduate study, I have to have academic and professional references. One of the people who I was going to ask is now leaving the country, and I don't know who to ask, and because things haven't gone according to plan, I've stalled and frozen; and now I'm beginning to doubt that I'll ever get back to university (which is part of my plan to be able to work in my area of interest as a lecturer, which will be easier for me than the teaching I currently do).
I think, but I'm not sure, that I heard my father mention to my mother something about getting my brothers and I out of here (our parents' home) within 6 months. She'd probably be against it, but, if not, there's almost certainly no way that I'm going to be financially independent within that timeframe.
Lack of financial independence. I've applied for job after job after job, and I get interviews, but nothing comes of them. I've had a few of jobs that have ended without me being given any reason why. I do the work that I'm meant to, and I try to do more than my job description if I see things that need doing, and I do my best to be cordial and approachable toward my employer and any other employees, so I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I can think of 2 reasons for the situation/s:
1. I'm doing/not doing something so "obvious" that people think they shouldn't need to point it out to me.
2. These were casual positions. With casual positions, there's no required number of hours per week that employers have to hire you for. It's possible that they only needed someone for a short-term position, but lied and said that it would be a long-term casual position.
The only jobs that have ever worked out are ones that relate to my interest (music), and so far, they haven't paid enough to make a living from.
As a consequence of the above, I'm still stuck living in the same house as my father, who is a jerk who always assumes the worst of me.
I can't help feeling that if I could just complete my thoughts properly; if I was non-exhausted enough to be able to think clearly, I'd be able to figure out where I was going wrong and change bad habits that are stopping me from achieving my goals. However, I can't even think clearly enough to figure out if I'm capable of doing that. Probably not, because at the moment, just forcing myself to get out of bed and out of the house to my job is difficult-bordering-on-impossible.
I've hardly practiced any of my instruments or composed in months, because I've been so tired and overwhelmed after work that I only have the mental and physical energy to read, sleep, go online or play video games. These are my favourite activities, and if I could, I'd do them all day.
Almost noone will believe that anything is wrong, all I hear is "avoidant behaviour" (I only avoid things when they become too painful to handle); "lazy" (I'm NOT lazy, I am overwhelmed and struggling), "you need to be confident" (since I freely acknowledge when I'm good at something, I hardly think I have a confidence problem), "you're so brilliant, I wish I was smart like you" (I appreciate the compliments, but my intelligence doesn't seem to be enough to overcome the problems that my brain has).
My anxiety is ridiculously high. For some time, I've been (I know that this is irrational) convinced that if I cut myself (an old habit), the people who I care about will die. This has been coupled with powerful urges to attack myself with a razor (which are due to stress). Today, the OCD has decided that even thinking about hurting myself is potentially deadly to those who I care about. Writing about it has also been classified as dangerous, but I know that if I don't fight it, it'll get worse and worse, and writing about it is, for me, the least anxiety-inducing way of fighting it.
I just want to curl up somewhere and hide for the next 100 years or so. Failing that, I'd like to be able to think clearly enough to figure out how to make some things easier for myself.
Music Theory 101: Cadences.
Authentic cadence: V-I
Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I