I know I hate having AS, but my mum and my nan have come up with good advice for me so I can look at it in the bestest possible way, (and I hope it helps others too who also hate having it).
They said:-
It is a daft myth to say ''Aspergers is a severe condition compared to NTs'', because that is not true. Although Aspies may get anxious a lot and find things a bit more difficult, and have lower coping skills, it still doesn't mean they have a ''severe contidion''. Aspergers is a mild condition, like Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, and other learning conditions like that. Aspies can be independent and live normal lives, so the condition can't be severe. (Hope that theory has made you feel a bit better - it has me).
People with Alzheimer's or strong Epilepsy or Down's Syndrome may need more care (but even adults with Down's Syndrome can be independent), and even people with severe heart conditions or other physical conditions may not be able to lead a full, normal life, and people with mental retardation where they can't do anything for themselves will struggle through life. I think Aspies can fair off much better than people with these conditions. And people with severe Autism can't live independent lives either. On Youtube I watched a video of a young adult man with severe Autism who just spends every day hitting himself - that's all he can do. Do you think that's a normal life? If he met an Aspie, he would just class us as NTs.
So although Aspies may have a few difficulties with various things, and find it a bit harder to interact with others, all that doesn't stop them from getting married, having children, getting a home, having a job, and even driving a car. OK, most Aspies may need help to do these things, (because I do), but we still just as much chance as NTs have. So, in the long run, Aspies are normal, and although many of us wish we didn't have it (including me!) I still think that looking at it in this way is the best way to look at it, rather than going around thinking it's a severe condition just because you think a little differently to others.
My cousin's boyfriend has a 26 year old son who is in a special care home because he literally has a mental age of a 2 year old. I bet he'd do anything to be just an Aspie! They have to give him loads of sleeping pills because every waking minute of his life causes complete disaster to other people. He will never be able to get married or drive a car or have children or get a job or live independently. He hasn't even had a friend before. Aspies have much more chance of making friends than he has.
So, please consider yourself as another normal human-being. (This applies to me too - I should really think about this properly, and it might make me come to terms with things a bit more. I may need help to do these things, but I don't think I'll require much help, as long as I try and aim for my goals as I go through life.)