CanyonWind wrote:
Hey Tim,
I'm not sure you're aware of it, but I figure you and me have been friends for a long time.
I'm definitely not an expert on romantic relationships, but it's been my experience that when things head south, they keep going in that direction. Real life ain't always like the movies. My opinion about romantic relationships ain't worth much though, so don't pay much attention.
Something ain't been mentioned here, and I don't know why. I saw a few mental health industry types over the years, some of them quite a few times with the same individuals. It never occurred to any of them that I was this thing called an aspie.
Not like it's subtle. Guy has no friends, gets no respect from anybody, nobody who interviews him wants to hire him, and he's constantly talking about Chinese poetry and the Pleistocene extinctions and a bunch of other topics nobody else ever heard of, much less been interested in.
So I think it's likely that maybe 90 percent of the aspies out there never even heard of asperger's syndrome. That number's probably higher with aspie females, since there's a bigger difference between aspie behavior and what's expected of a male, so asperger's is probably even less outwardly conspicuous in females.
If you're limiting your search to aspie females who know they're aspies, it's certain that you're overlooking most of the possibilities.
Hey partner, you only need to find one.
You don't understand. She was also goal-oriented, and college educated. She wasn't one of those people who just sits at home and plays video games all day.
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